wanted to do a recomp for the first time.
I’ve been very impressed with my experience so far. I’ve always just bulked on my cycles and never tried doing a recomposition like this.
I’m eating in a deficit and I’m doing a ton of cardio.
Using geneza pharma tren ace 50mgs EOD and mast prop 100mgs...
I’m looking to try a cycle like this:
sustanon 250mgs a week
tren 400mgs a week
anavar 50mgs a day
my cycle will be 12 weeks
my stats are modest. I’m around 98kg and 17% body fat.
33 years old and I want to build a better physique with these steroids help. I plan on increasing my training to...
trying to put together the perfect stack especially for the late summer.
I’m going to be planting a nice one month vacation on a Tropical Paradise location in the Caribbean. It’s really exciting because I haven’t been on vacation since the pandemic!
The 2 steroids I want to use are tren E 200mgs...
Looking to get a little more aggressive on my next steroid cycle
I’m 28 years old and I’ve done two cycles so far and I haven’t seen the type of results I’ve been looking for
I’m up to 210 pounds and I’m six foot one but I would like to push further and get a lot stronger as well as build size...
Been a lot of talk about using trenbolone and masteron.
Thought what the hell let me try it out.
Decided to use them together 200mgs of the tren and 400mgs masteron.
Ended up having great results and put on around 5 pounds of mass and cut down body fat. Great cycle and recomper! Improved my...
I’m a bigger guys. 250 pounds and getting bigger is my goal without sacrificing an increase in body fat.
I’m in my early 50s and I would like to use tren for the first time.
My cycle plan is this:
tren 250mgs a week
test 500mgs a week
adding an oral maybe dbol would be good or anadrol?
my stats are 6’1’’ 178 pounds and I’m 7% body fat lean.
Former runner turned bodybuilder. 33 years old
My tren stack I want to do is tren ace 100mgs 2x per week along with masteron prop 150mgs 2x per week for 10 weeks.
Should I run some testosterone or an oral too with it or is that not gonna be...
I’ve heard that n2guard works really well with tren especially with all the side effects.
Did tren last cycle and didn’t run any support supplements and the side effects were nasty
I don’t want to repeat the same thing how much of the n2guard do you think would be the mandatory amount that I...
decided to do a F’ IT hail mary type of cycle from napsgear using their tren. Cycle has gone extremely well and I’m surprised at how I’ve been able to manage the side effects.
I’ve been on 400mgs of tren, 500mgs masteron, 1000mgs test. Yes I know it’s a lot of gear but I wanted to push myself on...
29 years old third cycle and I am 185 pounds and six foot tall
looking to do a recomp stack and build more size and cut more body fat
stubborn body fat is definitely around my belly
here is my recomp stack where I am keeping things very MILD. What do you think I should change or adjust?
hands down the best experience has been with geneza pharma. Their products got to me so fast exactly how it was described. Been using their tren and halo and its been crazy fast strength gains. I’m setting new personal records all the time and it’s really awesome. great dose and support...
I’ve met some chicks at my gym and seen some older posts on here on females using tren and test. Was wondering what would be the best modern 2024 dose for females to use. I don’t want to get into that conversation with others in the gym and I want to keep that private I don’t want people knowing...
Curious how much trenbolone and masteron I should use on my next cycle.
My basis is 500mgs of each but I have a sneaky suspicion it’s a bit too much.
This will be the second time I’ve used tren. First time I did 400mgs and it was good.
I’m five foot 11
212 pounds and 14% body fat
training five...
looking to get a cut up beach body look
used winstrol and tren a few months back but stopped both after a week cause I had a family emergency.
Now I want to use up this gear for a summer cycle look.
5’8’’ 180 pounds and around 13-15% body fat.
Would 50mgs of winstrol be too much with trenbolone...
gonna be doing a blast and cruise
I’m 24 years old and planning on going pro, next year I want to win my pro card. Working with a posing coach and take this stuff very seriously. 5’9’’ 230 pounds and 11% body fat.
Want to get under 10%. my goal is to achieve Monstro’s physique
Here is my cycle...
I’m looking to do a summer cycle that is generally mild where I can enjoy the summer life while also building up a nice physique.
Currently late 30’s. 172 pounds/ 5’7’’ . body fat is around 12%
got 2 packets of anavar 50mgs per pill. Obviously I don’t plan on using all of this on one cycle but...
33 years old. 5’11’’ 207 pounds. Train 5x per week 1 hour per day.
I’m looking to do my first real tren stack. I’ve used it before but my results were lousy.
The tren cycle I’m looking to do needs to have both something that produces estrogen and also something that is mild.
I was thinking that...
I’m looking to do tren for 8 weeks and run maybe 200-300mgs a week
what do you think about doing test cyp with it instead of test prop?
My basis for wanting to do it that way is to cut down on injections. Really don’t want to do every day injections is why.
I’m 30 years old and this will be my...
currently doing 250 milligrams of tests and 500 milligrams of tren
I got blood work done and a lot of things are off especially with liver and kidney numbers.
Also estrogen is extremely high
do you recommend that I change anything on the cycle in terms of dosing or should I just keep it going...
so I want to use tren without adding any DHT’s to my stack. That means do not recommend winstrol, primo, masteron, anavar or proviron even. I hate DHT’s and they always destroy my hairline and they cause me a lot of acne and prostate issues.
What steroid would you stack with tren for recomping...