Really looking to change my physique on my next cycle and do sort of a recomp/lean bulk
its going to be trenbolone and proviron together
the tren will be 100mgs EOD and the proviron will be 50mgs a day
I think it will be good only question is how long should I run them you think?
I’m 5’8’’ and...
56 years old. Goal is strength and size. I’m 190 pounds and 5’6’’
I’m halfway through a tren/test/masteron cycle currently.
I want to drop the tren as the side effects are really bad.
What can I add instead to keep the test and masteron stack going.
I’m doing 250 test and 500mgs per week. I’m...
I’m 206 pounds and 17% body fat. 28 years old. And this is my 2nd cycle.
I want to shred down using trenbolone and winstrol.
What stack dosing do you recommend?
A friend suggested I do 500mgs of tren and 100mgs of winstrol. Says he ran the same thing and shredded up even on a bad diet. Thoughts?
looking to do an easy cycle next nothing too brash.
My last cycle I did sustanon and tren and the side effects were pretty high
I’m wondering about using test E and equipoise together on my next cycle to keep sides low and gains good with lean gains.
I’m 5’9’’ and 167 pounds with 12% body fat...
35 years old I’m 185 lbs and I’m 5’9”
approximately 14 or 13% body fat somewhere in there
I’ll try and post pictures later on
anyway I’m looking to improve my physique and gain muscle and lose fat.
The cycle I put together is:
tren ace 250mgs a week
masteron prop 500mgs a week
test prop...
I had very good experience with domestic supply.
Ordered 3 things from them:
mast prop
tren ace
test prop
ran a total of 200mgs of each per week. It was a tiny cycle but I wanted to dip my feet into trenbolone for the first time.
I’m 50 years old, 5’10’’ and 219 pounds. Ended up losing body fat...
I’m 27 years old and really into bodybuilding I’m 207 lbs and 6’1”
I started out using steroids one at a time separately but now I’ve really found that using them in stacks and blends really takes things to the next level.
My next stack I wanted to incorporate tren and masteron together. But I...
37 years old and already a pretty big dude I’m 240 lbs and I’m looking for more size and strength to my frame
I’m 6 ft tall and I’m currently benching around 365 pounds. Would like to hit the 400 lb mark or even higher. I’m eating around 300 g of protein per day and I’m getting in around 4000...
24 years old. 5’9’’ and 184 pounds.
Using 500mgs of tren per week with 200mgs test E
I’m dealing with a bunch of side effects that I wanted to report to you guys in the hopes you can give some tips. The gains I’m getting are way too good, I want to keep things going but the sides are brutal.
I’m looking forward to running a pretty big cycle and putting on some moderate muscle mass and strength.
I’m 205 lbs and 6’3” and I’m 38 years old
looking to do a trifecta cycle of trenbolone, deca and masteron.
My dosing is gonna look like this:
tren E 500mgs a week
deca 300mgs a week
heard a lot of good things on using trenbolone and winstrol
new to tren but not to steroids. Using them for 4 years. 30 years old and 216lbs
but as a newbie to tren I am a bit worried about using it because of the sides.
My plan is keep things smart
250mgs a week trenbolone + 50mgs a day...
Gonna be doing trenbolone next. Really excited first time with it but heard it is pretty rough on the body.
N2guard seems highly reputable and I’ve tried it before and it was pretty good off cycle. I only did like 2-3 caps. With tren do you recommend I run a higher dosage?
If so how much?
Want to try shredding up and you’ve never attempted it before then napsgear tren and winstrol is the ANSWER!
Tren 500mgs a week and winstrol 50mgs a day is perfect together. I’ve done both for 10 weeks and never seen such good results before. Seems like every day I flex in the mirror and I see...
I’m 212 lbs and I’m 5’11” and I’m around 12% body fat and 38 years old
recently finished a long cycle where I was using equipoise and testosterone I put on about 8 lbs net.
my next goal is to have a really good cycle using both masteron and trenbolone together.
My plan was this:
masteron prop...
I’m conflicted on which masteron option I should go for.
I’ve got choices between doing a masteron blend, mast prop and mast enanthate.
My goals are to do a trial run for a competition cycle next year.
I’ve also got tren and primo that I will be using. The primo will be 400mgs a week and the...
my goal is to recomp and cut down mostly and really tighten up my physique.
I’m about 12% body fat and would like to get under 10% and around 158 lbs
looking to do a quick cycle for 6 weeks using trenbolone, winstrol and test prop.
My first instinct is like this:
tren ace 50mgs EOD
Who would have thought combining 2 opposite steroids like primo and tren would be so interesting when it comes to results.
I did both primo and tren together.
Dosing was 500mgs primo and 250mgs tren.
Was a nice effect. Gained some lean muscle mass and kept gaining even after I stopped injecting...
25 years old and this is my third cycle I’m 184 lbs and 6 ft tall
I’m 8 weeks into a trenbolone cycle and I’m also on test with it.
My dosing is 200mgs tren, but I increased it to 250 over the last 4 weeks. I’m also just doing 150 mg of testosterone per week only.
I’m getting good results and...
this is not good. I am doing a tren + test + anavar cycle. I’ve been on this cycle for 10 weeks.
I’m thinking of Coming off early and not going another 2 or 3 weeks.
My dosing is 400mgs tren, 500mgs test and 30mgs a day anavar.
Got my numbers checked. Liver, kidney’s and heart numbers are all...
So this is the 4th time I have used trenbolone and I would like to run a bigger cycle.
My friends are saying that tren is a great option for recomping but I’ve always done well bulking with it
5’8 and around 210 pounds and big
anyway whatever, not here to get into semantics. Bottom line is this...