I cannot say enough good things about my experience with domestic supply
I am using testosterone 250mgs a week along with equipoise 500mgs a week
With this cycle i am so happy because i feel great, very little side effects
Domestic supply also has some great arimidex, so that limits any estrogen...
32/yo Male with history of testicular cancer and metastatic disease. Upon receiving chemo for a year (BEP X8) I turned into a twig. At my best, I weighed 199-202 with about 10-12% BF (Military 8 years). I am looking to get back at least some of that. Docs estimated that I lost somewhere around...
I am 6'1" 175lbs and i would safely say around 18-20%BF.
I previously had testicular cancer which led to me losing 25ish LBS of muscle mass.
I have done previous cycles with EQ/HGH/TEST/SUS and some others I can't think of at the moment.
I am just looking to dose and use what I have here to get...
I want your help guys
I’m 5’11’’ 188 and 30 years old
2nd cycle this time
First didn’t go well, i didn’t know what i was doing
My plan this time is 500mgs a week testosterone along with 300mgs a week equipoise
I also am open to running something else. Just want to get better at weights
I had a question about my first steroid cycle and still confused
getting lots of opinions
what do you think about using testosterone 500mgs a week vs. Using say 200 or 250?
would I get shutdown less if I go with the lower dosage and have less sides?
I know some of you will say how i am wrong and i shouldn’t do. For that I say its my body and my choice so deal with it :)
This is my plan: 250mgs per week sustanon as my cruise. Then blasting with 1000mgs test and 1200mgs trenbolone for 16 weeks. Then i will go back to my cruise dose
I used domestic supply products
Tried their Ultima test cyp 500mgs a week
I also did some anavar to kickstart things
over the course of the cycle I put on about 10 lbs in 10 weeks.
My body composition definitely got bigger and you can tell in my shoulders and my neck I've gained a lot of...
Is there such a thing as a test booster that includes steroids in the formula?
Is such a thing available over the counter? I want something that will make me angry and stronger so i lift with pride
What is the best way to stop using test boosters where I won’t get any sort
of crash or mood swings?
A buddy of mine took 1 for like 2 years straight and stopped cold turkey and said he went into depression and had libido issues. Is there a way to prevent it?
If a testosterone booster says to take 5 a day
Would it be okay for me to take twice that dosage or how about the other direction and take half the dosage?
I'm looking for a boost of libido
I am gonna try doing testosterone enanthate with some proviron
the proviron I have comes in 25mgs tabs. Should I use 1 or 2 a day?
As far as testosterone would 500mgs be good or should I up it? I want to bulk
I’m 6’1’’ 190 pounds, 26 years old
What are the limits to how long you can use testosterone boosters?
I’m 50 years old and my test levels are low. Its effecting my life all around and i need help. I want to take something natural to help boost them up
I did a cycle in the past. 12 weeks of test cyp and dbol. Now I am in the military and looking to start a new cycle. I have 2 vials of test cyp and 150/50mg oral winstrol, and HCG. I am not very knowledgeable on using steroids safely because last time I was sort of guided by my old lifting buddy...
Over the past 20 years I've tried a lot of different products that are cream products
most of them have been junk but there have been a few over the years that have been excellent products
is there one that you can recommend today that would work good for me?
these guys are very professional and a question about the payment and they got it resolved very quickly. we'll use them again. they have fast responses to emails and tracking. delivery was fast shipped within 24 hours. i've ordered test E and dbol.
results are amazing blood work confirmed it's...
got my bloodwork done after week 6 in my number's came in solid. also the tren on that I'm using is extremely potent and I'm having some personal records achieved
very professional company and communication is quick and precise
products was sealed perfectly
ordered tren and test
results are...
domestic supply - my experience
I just made an order for a couple products, I will post some pics when I finish the cycle. Very quick and easy process
as I said fast and easy
less than week to get to me
Ordered deca and test
I’m 8 weeks in and up 6 pounds so far, clean gains
Not sure if I'm looking for a test booster or just something to get me over the edge at the gym
I’m at the banned nutrition website and ready to pull the trigger
I’ve got 3 choices to choose from. Of those which one would you choose and why
do you think a test and deca cycle is only good for stacking if you want to bulk up or do you think that you can cut down on it.
I'm tempted to mess around with this cycle because I got a few vials from a buddy of mine but I'm already a big guy. My full stats are 5 ft 7 in in 200 lb and my body...