What do you guys think about the supplements that are being advertised on Instagram right now?
There are a lot of bodybuilders and fitness influencers who are really advertising the crap out of them
they are so expensive to usually these products are 50 or 100% more expensive than other products...
I see a lot of pro bodybuilders and they do those video logs or they’ll post up something on Instagram where they will be taking a bunch of supplements or have a lot of supplements in their cabinet or the refrigerator
I was wondering what do you recommend that I take first thing in the morning...
I’m looking for some supplement tips and tricks when it comes to building a healthy physique
I’m currently in my late 30s and I’m looking to take something that will Aid in my development of my muscle mass and help with body memory and muscle memory
what is the best supplement that you would...
My liver numbers aren’t looking so good
need some help when it comes to using a supplement here
I’m looking to run a product that gets my numbers back down to earth on cycle
it’s such a thing even possible?
I started training at my College gym for the first time and I’m looking for some advice on how to get bigger. Seeing some of the other guys that I’m training with it’s hard to imagine that I’ll ever be as strong as them and it makes me mad
What is going to be the best supplement that I can take...
I work a physical labor job and it’s usually after I go in from my work out that I go into my work
wake up around 5:00 and train for about an hour then I go to work for 10 hours but I’m usually too tired to get through work.
Is there a supplement that I can take after my workout that can both...
I’m looking to make some orders online for the best supplements that you would recommend for someone who is into bodybuilding and like cycle steroids off and on
it’s not for me but it’s for my brother who is big into it and he even does some competitions here and there
would love to surprise him...
I’m hoping you can give me some advice when it comes to my face and dry skin
it’s been a big issue ever since I started using steroids
there are some creams out there that I have tried and they have not been of much help
are there any specific supplements that you can recommend that can help...
I’ve read that you’re supposed to get good fats in your diet which isn’t what I’ve always been told especially during the 80s and 90s growing up in America
I’m now in my 60s and I’m trying to get my body in the best shape possible. I’ve had a rough life three divorces and paying a lot of Child...
I’m looking to use the supplements that professional bodybuilders run
I would like to be like them one day I’m currently in my early 20s and my plan and my career goal is to be a professional bodybuilder
what would be the best supplement to use that I could do it ??
I ordered a big tub of creatine I got a really good discount on it at the bin at the supplement store
the guy there said it was a really good product but they were discontinuing it so it was discounted by 50%
I’m looking to go through this stuff and see what it’s capable of giving me. What would...
I’ve got membership now to Costco and they have some really good discounts and Deals on their products
not quite sure about their supplement line but I’ve heard some good things about it and that it is pretty affordable
what would you recommend I use that I can buy and try out for better results...
What are the best supplements that I can take during my workout for best results?
I’m looking to get more energy during my workout and help feed my muscles while I train
a friend of mine suggested protein powder but after I tried that strategy it made me sick and nauseous
maybe I need something...
I’ve got a 100 dollar a month supplement budget that my wife approved of.
I tried spending $300 one time on supplements and she called a credit card company and made me return everything LOL
we settled for just a hundred dollars so can you give me a supplement or supplements plural that I can...
Was looking at Blackstone labs they have a lot of different supplements all over the place for sale.
Seems like they reach a lot of resellers and have their products with a lot of reviews also but I don’t really trust supplement companies I think that most of them are bogus.
What do you think...
My younger brother just got into bodybuilding he got motivated by watching some Rich Piana videos LOL
Anyway he wants to start using supplements but I told him that most supplements are no good
he’s looking for something to maybe give him a little bit of a bump during his workouts
I want to keep...
I’ve been experiencing some bad shoulder injuries over the past few weeks
sore shoulders and especially when I do a lot of stretching post-workout it really aggravates me
I was wondering if you had any advice for supplements that can help with a bad shoulder
so on getting a lot of mosquito bites after moving to a swampy part of my town
the neighbor say that the area has a lot of mosquitoes and they said that I should not go outside in the dark without clothes covering myself from head to toe.
The problem is I like to set out on the porch and enjoy...
I had a good run for a couple months when it came to my energy but I feel like it’s really gotten poor again.
I’m looking for a supplement that can help give me a boost maybe a stimulant boost I’m not really sure. The problem started when I started eating out again eating fast food but my days...
So I did a 12 week cycle of steroids. Ran a pretty harsh stack which included equipoise and tren plus more.
I know that it took a beating on my organ health and I was prepared for that.
I got blood work done before and after using n2guard and other supplements.
The other supplements I used...