145 pounds and 5’3’’ 34 years old
I’ve been using steroids for the past 8 weeks and my energy keeps dropping
I’m doing winstrol 5mgs a day and 15mgs a day anavar.
Not sure what is going on. My strength went up a lot too but now has started to plateau.
Planned on doing this for 12 weeks but...
I’m a female who likes sex and rock and roll. I don’t drink or smoke, but I go to raves and that sort of thing as its part of who I am and I worked with bands.
Would like to use steroids to better my life. I’m 155 pounds and 5’4’’ .. need to lose around 20 pounds to get into better shape to be...
5’7‘’ and 202 pounds.. been a powerlifter since I can remember. Now I’m 32 and want to make a change.
I’m going to be switching over to do more higher volume style of training. It’s going to be a really fun style of workout and I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of results I can get.
One of...
I used to be one of those guys who went to the gym and just trained my upper body. But now I’m serious about growing my legs.
I even hired a trainer who hasn’t been much help but I’m paying them about 60 or 70 bucks an hour
he has me doing several different leg routines including squats...
I’m looking to do some competitions and compete in physique
a couple of my older Buddies that I grew up with are doing it and they’re doing very well and having a blast
so I already know about posing and all the basics on how you should prepare
the differences they’re using steroids and I want...
I just had a baby about 3 months ago and the weights not coming back off and I’m getting a little concerned
currently in my late 40s and I had a rough pregnancy and I gained a lot more weight than I did on my first two pregnancies
I would like to lose about 25 lbs which steroids can I start...
I’m looking for the best supplements that you would recommend for my overall well-being in my health
I’m currently 45 years old and my numbers on my blood work are a little hot across the board
I’ve used steroids mostly in my late 20s and 30s
I’m hoping that I can take something to really take...
Currently training 5x a week and getting in 3000 cals per day.
A friend of mine gave me all his test prop cause he said he got annoyed with having to pin so much.
I know that you’re supposed to pin it pretty often but would every third day be good enough or do I need to pin it every day?
A bit...
I’m looking to get stronger and more fit.
Currently I’m around 41 years old and I’m approximately 145 lbs and 5’4”
I’ve smoked cigarettes off and on for the past few years and I also have drank alcohol as well here and there but I’m trying to quit both
looking to use steroids to help me gain...
it so a bit about my stats I’m approximately 190 lbs and I’m 5’10” and I’m 27 years old
my body fat is around 14 or 15%. goal is recomp
was diagnosed with low testosterone in my early twenties so I’ve been cruising since then.
Now I would like to blast. I’ve used a couple steroids before...
my goal is to get that golden age of the 70s bodybuilder look
not interested in that big look that I see a lot of people have today
I’m looking to do Primo at 1000 mg a week
what would be your advice on how to dose it and how to inject it?
Should I do 200mgs 5x a week? Or should I do 10...
Hi I’m currently about 5’7” and I’m 200 lbs. I’m a bigger female and I would like to lose 40 or 50 lbs over the next few months
a friend recommend semaglutide and maybe some sarms. Do you think I should run gw501516 20mgs a day with it or will they get in each others way via receptors?
I’m 25 years old and I’ve never used steroids before but a friend of mine was using them and had good results. I’m looking to do 750 mg a week for 20 weeks. My goal is faster results, basically cheating my way to more mass/strength.
My current stats are 87kg and 180cm.
How much AI would I need...
I’m doing self trt as a female and I’m running anywhere between 25 and 35 mg of testosterone per week
I’ve been acting very Bitchie toward my boyfriend and I’m wondering do you think that testosterone causes any type of estrogen issues? Maybe that’s my problem and is there something I can take...
I spent 2 straight years doing steroids. Decided to quit once my total cholesterol levels reached 300. now I want to switch to sarms.
I’m 260 pounds and 6’1’’. I’m a strength athlete for the most part and 58 years old.
What do you think about this sarms stack?
S23 50mgs a day
s4 100mgs a day...
going to be running some harsher steroids. Tired of being Mr. average and being bullied by people. Gonna be tren, superdrol and more on my next stacking
which is the best supplements I can use for a harsh cycle like this that will keep me healthy and keep me looking strong ?
I’m all about feeling good in life. Not only do I love myself but I love others as well. I want to use something to make me HAPPY. Don’t want to get pissed off and frustrated about things. My brother uses steroids and he gets mad over every little thing. The other day he flicked some dude off in...
I’m looking to bulk up on steroids but I don’t want to get any man-like features to my physique
I see women in the gym who walk around with wide shoulders and you could tell they have facial and body hair popping up.
That’s not something I’m interested in. also their face looks really weird like...
Had a question about steroid use. Never done it before but I plan on doing it in the future
the issue is I know so many people who have used steroids for a few years then they quit training entirely and they quit steroids.
I would think if you’re using steroids and bodybuilding it’d be...
I’m looking to use steroids to boost my strength as a female
right now I weigh around 112 lbs and I’m 5 ft tall and 38 years old
I’m very skinny and short and I don’t have much strength I can barely do the bar like 3 or 4 times.
Which PED’s do you recommend for me?