Hello my friends, glad to be with you again
My cycle as follows:
Primobolan 400mgs a week
Test Cyp 200mgs a week
Anavar 50mgs a day
Its an expensive cycle but i am excited to use it
Looking for lean muscle mass and also body fat loss. 5 ft 10 in + 207 lb with 14% body fat in 42 years old
I just signed up at planet fitness no judgement zone
I’m 5’7’’ and a big chubby. Close to 180 pounds
What are the best stacks for females and how often should i use steroids? I want to lose fat as soon as possible
I've been using two different fat burners for the past 3 weeks
I am losing some fat but I'm also losing my mind in the process and I don't feel well at all. I'm getting very snippy with people and I have a bad attitude. is this normal and part of the weight loss process?
What are the best ways for me to use sarms as a beginner who doesn't know what they're doing
My stats are 40 years old. 5’10’’ 270 pounds. High bf%
I want to Improve my physique
Also, are there any videos and podcasts I can listen to that will teach me more?
Looking to hear some experiences on your positives and negatives when it comes to equipoise
I'm looking to build some bulk muscle mass increase and also help increase my endurance more
Looking at doing EQ at 300-800mgs area. Which dosage would be best for my goals?
I’m 6’1’’ 175 pounds and...
I’m gonna be more aggressive with my next steroid cycle
Why not right?
25 years old
180 pounds approximately
12% body fat
My plan is trenbolone 50mgs per day. Tren ace*
And i want to do test propionate with it. How much test should i do?
I’m looking to run a 12 week sarms cycle but don’t want it to cost more than $500
I’m 5’9’’ and 190 pounds. I want to lose some body fat, I’m around 20%
I also want to gain some strength. Please advise me
What are you guys thinking about burn evolve fat burner?
I was reading some reviews on how people were losing 20 to 25 lb on it a month and it seemed like a good idea
The supplements also come with workout videos. It's about $100 just want to make sure it's worth the money before I buy it
I'm in no way a professional bodybuilder or anything like that. I'm just on normal guy
I'm currently benching 175 lb.
My full stats are a modest 5 ft 8 in in 160 lb with 18% body fat
I wanted to get on 25 mg a day of the rad 140
and I wanted to run in about 16 weeks
do you think this is...
6’ tall and i am a runner
I weigh 184 pounds.
19% body fat
I know i should lose some fat if i am gonna get faster. But will sarms help with speed with my stats too?
33 years old, 5’8’’ 166 pounds 15% body fat
I’ve done oral only cycles but never injectables and I’m scared
I’m looking at using testosterone cypionate
What else should i add with it?
What types of ancillaries would work?
Looking to drop body fat and gain strength
my first two cycles I only use one steroid
this time I want to Stack two together
which ones would work best you think and have the best Synergy together?
I really want to use trenbolone. So if i were to try tren which steroid works good?
I want to keep sides low and i’m 33 years old, 5’5’’...
my goals are to have overall better physique
I kind of let myself go a little bit I have a little belly on me
I probably around 18% body fat which is embarrassing
40 years old and 5’9’’
My friend suggested stacking g.w. cardarine 20 mg a day along with S23. would those two stack good...
I saw a lady today at the gym would really hard muscles
I'm curious what do you think she is taking?
I’m currently 165 pounds and 5’8’’ . no clue on body fat probably 30% based on online images
I’m very soft with muscles. I want to drop some fat
need some recommendations please
I was on here with a different handle a year ago and was told to cut down before i use winstrol
Okay so I did it.
Went from 126 kg down to 105 kg.
My body fat is around thirteen or fourteen percent
35 years old‘
how do I use Winstrol now? I want to cut down further and get leaner?
I’m 70 years old and looking at sarms
I weight train a couple times a week and am on TRT 150mgs a week
6’1’’ and 145 pounds with low body fat
My goals are to get leaner and stronger
Which sarms would work best for me?
my goals are fat reduction purely
I’m 27 % body fat
249 pounds
I’m in my mid 40’s
I want to run something to help burn fat but also that is safe to use
I have high blood pressure and anemia. It is hard to have energy sometimes
never tried sarms before
never thought I would use them. Not my cup of team
however read some success stories of people who have cut down
I’m 5’5’’ and 210 pounds with 25% body fat and 28 years old
I want to get leaner
which sarms would work for me? Need 2 good ones
I know you all want to know stats so here goes:
5’10’’ lean. 8% body fat and around 182 pounds, 52 years old
What is the longest I can run this stack?
Trenbolone enanthate 250mgs a week
testosterone enanthate 300mgs a week
anavar 40mgs a day
What is the best way to get a cycle and post cycle of sarm's going for less than $200?
I’m right now 5’8’’ and 165 pounds 24 years old and like 20% body fat or so
A year ago i was 140 pounds, i have bulked up a lot
I guess i bulked up too much too fast cause i want to cut back down