Hey guys so normally I run my trt prescribed dose of test cyp 400 mg per week with 1mg adex a day to cruise well it's time to blast and cut for summer and I'm running into a problem.
For my cycle I'm changing to test prop here is my cycle
100mg EOD test prop
150mg EOD tren ace
600mg per week...
i met a transexual who has been using estrogen shots since childhood. she was born as a male and after shots her body transformed into %100 female. she has natural breast and hourglass shape body. she even said her feet got smaller after using it . i asked her what she uses for pct she said she...
I'm 7 days into my Test C 600mg/wk + Anavar 25mg/day cycle.
Have not taken any ancillaries so far.
Is it too early to be noticing gyno symptoms?
Nips are a bit itchy, but it could all just be in my head...
I usually use an AI from the start, but decided to wait and see if I noticed any...
How's it going? My gyno is starting to flare up on HGH and a supplement that lowers SHBG. I just started formastanazol. Are there any powerful over the counter, anti estrogen stacks that you know of?
This has now happened to me on two separate cycles. Once I go lower than 3mg of Arimidex per week my nipples begin bleeding lightly when I towel off after a shower. This has happened on 1.5mg of Arimidex per week, and once I up the dose to 3mg the bleeding stops within a few days.
I have also...
I have taken 3 cycles in the past, always taking anabolics like sustanon and test-e, never deca - to avoid progesterone and prolactin gyno. I know with anabolics you can use an AI like arimidex or aromasin and PCT with nolvadex or clomid. I have had small lumps in my breast before but have...
Hello all , I was just curious what are the names for the specific blood tests for total test (free/bound) , prolactin, estrogen, the whole schabang. I am leaving the country and want to get the bloodwork done before I leave. Thank you in advance for all repplies and i apologize if this...
Whats up guys, I need some help here. I am been off gear for a couple years and have had to use an 5%cream (test) just to get my levels back up. I dont live in a great area for docs so there may/have been a better solution. But when i use the cream I use anastzole(1mg) 3 times a week with it...
I am about to go on summer break and am going to dedicate the 10 weeks i have to bodybuilding as much mass as possible in this time. I have purchased some HGH and testoseterone builders, but am told by a friend that it is necessary to give my body some pre and post therapy in order to some the...
hey everyone, Like the title says, this is my first cycle and I'm having some prostate issues. I haven't posted or contributed here,((avid reader)but I would be eternally grateful if anyone can help a brother out.
I really did a ton of research over the years; i've wanted to try AAS ever since I...
Newbie question.
40 y.o. and just started taking hgh (2iu) and anastrozole to get lean. I know the anastrozole is to block estrogen since the receptors more active, but while I'm on this regimen i was told not to take whey protein, prohormones or androstatins b/c they can cause estrogen to...