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  1. C

    Sustanon Winstrol Cycle

    I have 10 amps of Sustanon 250 and a shed load of winstrol tabs,Can anyone tell me how i should stack these 2 ,i have nolvadex and clomid for pct,thanks guys
  2. A

    Begineer into Anabolics, deployed overseas! I need some help.

    Hey everyone, i'm writing this from over in Afghanistan right now, im in the US Army. heres my stats: I'm 21 years old, 5'11'' 167lbs with a 30'' waist, I haven't had a BMI in a long time, if I guess around 11-13%? I work out in the gym everyday for around 1-2 hrs depending on our mission...
  3. C

    Prop, Tren, Winny...

    Hey I'm having trouble finding out if my planned cycle is a goode one. I'm 24, been working out on and off since I was 16 and 5'11 194 lbs about 15-16% bodyfat. My diet and workout are solid for what I'm trying to do which is gain some mass (10-15 lbs muscle) and lose a lot fat for summer...
  4. T

    Beginner Lifting Routine ... needing advise....

    Good Morning everyone. I used to lift back in high school and was never really too in shape. things happened , I gained weight and now am back in shape and ready to go. I have started a " Total Body " workout that looks like this: Dumbbell Squat and OverHead Press- 3 sets ( 10,8,6) Dumbell...
  5. L

    Beginner and Could use some help please? =)

    Hey everyone! my name is leah and I have been into fitness for a few years now and am just not satisfiied with my progress. I am really motivated to make some changes and have started working with a trainer. My goal is to lower bf % ( im at 21% ). I would like to maintain my strength and have...
  6. W

    Workout beginner seeking advice to lose inches, build muscle/endurance

    Not having any solid advice about if what I'm doing for my body is worthwhile has been plaguing me all month, so today I decided to sign up for a forum like this since I'm in a motivated mood. I apologize for blabbering on and on about myself in the next paragraphs, but it'll hopefully help me...
  7. C

    Shoulder Pain

    Hi there, I'm a first time poster and so I apologise first of all for the long post, and secondly if this happens to be in the wrong forum or if a topic like this exists already. But here goes: I'm new to weightlifting generally, I've only been properly lifting for just over 2 months. But the...
  8. G

    Time for a Change!

    :wavey: Here goes.....I've been lurking. I was looking for quick-fix. Obviously, it really doesn't exist. I'm 5'3" and appx. 160#. I've gotten round, to say the least. I'm absolutely disgusted. I've never been into fitness at all. I've joined 3 different gyms over the years and maybe...
  9. R

    looking for some feed back

    I'm 27 5'10 215lbs about 18% body fat. I know my BF is probably Still too high to begin cycling but I'm starting to get anxious. I've been in the gym pretty much every day for the last 6 mos and dropped 28 lbs. my diet is I wake up to a cup of steel oats and a piece of fruit or an egg white...
  10. R

    first cycle Deca and Anavar

    I'm 27 5'10 215lbs about 18% body fat. I know my BF is probably Still too high to begin cycling but I'm starting to get anxious. I've been in the gym pretty much every day for the last 6 mos and dropped 28 lbs. my diet is I wake up to a cup of steel oats and a piece of fruit or an egg white...
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