amyfetzer Sep 29, 2010 Thank you so much and thank you for the add hope you have a great week!!!!!!!!!!!! AMy
-Ariel- Jul 22, 2010 Hey U. U ever check out the princess and the warrior movie. It's so much better than RunLolaRun.
BBR100 Jul 21, 2010 hi trex! we were in Kanata over the weekend. we just got back. the weather was great. went ziplining near Meach Lake with the kids. It was pretty challenging in places. We had a blast! Keeping my fingers crossed for the govt job. Good luck
hi trex! we were in Kanata over the weekend. we just got back. the weather was great. went ziplining near Meach Lake with the kids. It was pretty challenging in places. We had a blast! Keeping my fingers crossed for the govt job. Good luck