Well I'm going to America to compete in an NPC show next year, likely the contra cause it's a decent show and everyone who wins it is like 200-220lbs. At my weight I'd compete 240lbs staged racy condition...so we will see what happens. I'll probably Comte heavier than that as I'm staying in off...
Apparently repeating the same shit is good advice form an adults stand point. Are you guys jealous these kids that are 17 and 18 and is bigger than you or something lol? You aren't giving advice when you say shit like "your gonna fuck ur system up" like that wasn't taken into account when...
I really don't see any real reason to run any thyroid stims in off season unless you have a fucked up thyroid and can confirm that through tests. Some argue of its benefits when bulking but to me if your over all goal is to obtain as much muscle as possible then adding t3 in the mix is just...
People steer away for often because they think the oil is permanent and turns into some yellow pussy goo that makes that weird bubble look. That's pure INFECTION people are so misunderstood that it's annoying I blame lui marco lol. All it does is simply stretch the fascia tissue in the muscle to...
if you're gonna come on this thread to bash synthol don't bother. Synthol is a hugely misunderstood and hidden part of the dark side of bodybuilding and just over all enhancement. People think these big bubbly wierdos u see from Brazil with the biggest "biceps" is a direct results of synthol...
Alpha you can't shut up about your transformation now. Jumping on a cycle with the heaviest compound in the books after not working out for god knows how long like you 50lbs isn't hard to gain with eating right. All you're doing it shoving it people's faces no one cares now
Hopefully this doesn't put a foot down on your bulk. Dude every time you start running into the off season time something hults you and you have to stop.
Stay safe
Depends on goals. From personal experience, I didn't like ace got bulking. It's power on your metabolism is way to strong for the real "bulk" you want. Highly depends on the Individual I've always had a fast metabolism so ace did nothing for me. Maybe for the person who holds fat easier when...
Literally no ones given hi advice except having a sook about him being on trt for reasons He can't change and being told He hasnt worked hard for where Hes gotten to. He's perscribed 150mgs of test undeconate a week as mentioned about 4 times if you read anything said, but obviously you haven't...
Am I the only one who thinks this "transformation is nothing short of a joke? You don't look any bigger, just different lighting which makes you look slightly harder. You looked like a newbie when starting and fi dined looming like one. I hate to sound rude but I can't jd west and why people...
I always get the flattest looking stomach from sub qs lol that with insulin gives me a bubble but :p the L.U.I doesn't salute my bubble gut bonanza. You're gonna add water regardless if you're trying to grow at your full potential it's almost impossible to keep sodium down even with clean foods.
Lol tren always makes my hard on ridiculous. On 600mgs right now and my girlfriend is loving it, though not when it kicks in to much and shive on her ass 😬