it is possible that the areas of your back mentioned are weaker than your front "core" and causing you to have an improper form or just plain inflammation from lifting. Have you done focused back training at all? Not advising to ham on your back if you have an actual injury but if not known...
when I switched over to 6 meals a day I lost about 5lbs the first week at 3300 cals.
I also cut out all breads, sugars, dairy and sodium other than what is naturally occurring in my beef. Week 2-3 I leveled off and continued to lean out. The body thinks its not getting more food so it tries to...
The bulk of protein should come from Food sources. Steak, Chicken Steak etc.
I had issue with Whey proteins causing inflammation and stomach distress. I switched over to Organic NON WHEY protein and its a life changer. Digests much easier and I have not had any of the negative effects from it.
The Gyno Guru....
Read many posts that rave about results after his help, tried to PM but can't. Does anyone know how ot get in touch for some valuable information and help??