I dont clean anymore bro I stopped a few weeks ago. Right now Im doing this:
Workout A:
Squats 3x5 (wide powerlifter stance)
Flat BB 3x5
CGBP 2x8
Deadlift 1x5
RDL 2x8
Wide Assisted Chins 3x10
Workout B
Squats 1x20, 1x15, 1x12, 1x10 (narrower stance feet pointing more forwards)
Leg Extension 1x20, 1x15, 1x12, 1x10
Standing BB Shoulder press 3x5
Delt Triad Circuit 3x12-15
Pendlay Row 3x5
Seated Cable Row 2x10
BB Half Curl 3x12
Iv been doing my squats on workout B more like 1x30-40 1x20, 1x15, 1x8 though, I really like high rep squats right now.
Im also thinking of swapping the curls for weighted underhand chins 3x3-5...