Chopzilla Sep 12, 2011 Lol hop to it missy don't be laggin! As long as everything going on with you is going good then Im happy. I miss you blowing up my pm box jk
Lol hop to it missy don't be laggin! As long as everything going on with you is going good then Im happy. I miss you blowing up my pm box jk
E EarthRider Aug 23, 2011 awesome dress, I don't think it is bad to wear in public on a night out. maybe not to church, but hey looks great
awesome dress, I don't think it is bad to wear in public on a night out. maybe not to church, but hey looks great
K K keyholemole Aug 20, 2011 No, I did not stumble. I was stalking your chocolaty goodness. Imagine my dejection when I couldn't view the pic. Send it to [email protected].
No, I did not stumble. I was stalking your chocolaty goodness. Imagine my dejection when I couldn't view the pic. Send it to [email protected].
K K keyholemole Aug 20, 2011 I want to offer my opinion on the outfit. Absolutely not! There is no such thing as "too rich" or "too slutty".
I want to offer my opinion on the outfit. Absolutely not! There is no such thing as "too rich" or "too slutty".