-Ariel- Apr 28, 2009 Hey... see you visited... LOL... gotta thank ya for the karma a while back. I think I'm back at the level when you donated to me. U gonna watch the fight this weekend.
Hey... see you visited... LOL... gotta thank ya for the karma a while back. I think I'm back at the level when you donated to me. U gonna watch the fight this weekend.
Dial_tone Apr 7, 2009 If he is then he's cheating on us both so we should exact revenge by sleeping with each other! yea, that's it.
If he is then he's cheating on us both so we should exact revenge by sleeping with each other! yea, that's it.
chris302001 Mar 17, 2009 You kinda look like Shrek if he were from south central.... (total compliment bro)