Age 23
Height 5"10
Weight 183lbs
Bf 15%
Been training for 5 years few cycles done in the past some of which included anadrol 50 decca test e,,been 3 years since juice decided to start again
Hi guys need help with a cycle, I have clen stanazol test e and tren a..should I just do the tren a and test e and clenbuterol or should I chuck the stanazol in there somewhere
That's why I'm here to ask for help I'm asking what the cycle and what do use think would be the ideal cycle for summer sorry bro if I came across the wrong way I appreciate what use are saying
Bro I know how to train and supplement And eat I'm asking is tren a good cycle with clen or test my goal is to shred down as much as I can but also build good quality muscle..from your opinion what would you recommend a good cycle for summer?