oh heck no man. i won't start cycles till around 27 if i do at all. im going to quit drinking for good, aside from maybe 2-3 times a year at 21, and start training to compete by the time i'm 30. i know a fair amount about bodybuilding and lifting. not a ton. right now i'm just trying to party a good amount while in school and lifting 24/7.
ive had buddies who took prohormones since 16. now they have anger problems. only thing i'll touch is amp 02. in omega i trust!
Looking forward to it brah.
I live my life through cycles, not juice cycles though, know what I mean? sometimes it's hard to figure out if I wanna get lean, bulk up, get stronger, get more endurance plenty of room to clusterfucking lol.
I think Mosley has lost a little speed and power over the years, he still has a solid chin though! I know Mosley can out box Margarito but I think Margarito will win by decision.