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HCG´s effect on HPTA


New member
Interesting read I picked from another site...Whats your thoughts? Helpful, correct?

First lets start with HPTA.
HPTA stands for hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular (or sometimes gonadal) axis. HPTA is a reference we give the combined function of the hypothalamus, pitultary gland, and testes so we can speak of them as a single system. The hypothalamus produces GnRH (Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone), this hormone tells the pituitary gland to release LH (Luteinizing Hormone). LH travels from the pituitary through the bloodstream to the testes where it triggers the production and release of testosterone. No LH means the testes shut down testosterone production, which means... your balls shrink (temporarily of course). If you don't understand this just get this, Hypothalamus makes GnRH -> Pituitary makes LH -> Testes makes Testosterone. If any one part of that system fails, the end result fails, which means no test production.

Now, what happens when we take AAS?
When a male takes AAS (I'm assuming everyone knows that means Anabolic Androgenic Steroids), the body natural feedback loops shut down it's testosterone production. These natural feedback loops are like the proportional-integral contol loops we use in things like air conditioning, if its too cold, the compressors shut down. Like in electronic controls (good ones anyway) there is a hysterysis to inhibit the system from bouncing back on and off. The body has to see the deficiency or surplus for a period of time before stopping or secreting hormones. So when AAS are introduced the Hypothalamus (the beginning of our HPTA loop) shuts down production of GnRH. With no GnRH the pituitary makes no LH, which means the testes makes no testosterone. Now this is okay while we are on AAS because WE ALL USE TESTOSTERONE AS THE BASE OF OUR CYCLES RIGHT? :) You don't have to use test while on AAS, but it is wise to as to keep your body functioning as normal as possible, not to mention the anabolic and androgenic benefits of test. But let's continue, so we have been taking AAS for some weeks now and are ready to stop.

What does our body do when we stop?
When you stop taking AAS your body will continue to metabolize them for some time depending on the drug. For example Testosterone Enanthate has a half life of 10.5 days. What this means is that 10.5 days after injecting 500mg of Test E your body will have metabolized 250mg. So in another 10.5 days your body will have metabolized the remaining 250 then right? - Wrong. In an additional 10.5 days your body will have metabolized half of what is remaining, which is (1/2) * 250 = 125. So in total, after 21 days the body has metabolized 375 out of 500mg of the Test E. The formula for half lives is [Injection-(AmountAllreadyMetabolize d*(2)^(-TimeInDays/HalfLifeInDays))]. The easiest way to do this is to make an excel spreadsheet. You can then find out exactly what your levels will be at any given time during your cycle. The average adult male body produces between 40 and 120mg of test per week (That is a rather large range because of ages, obviously younger is higher). What we want to do is find out at what point will the test we were injecting metabolize at a rate near what our normal body levels are at. For a male in good condition who is between 25 and 35 I'm going to day that the average test level is around 70mg/week or 10mg/day. For test E 18 days after injecting 500mg the body will be metabolizing about 10mg/day for that last injection, BUT the previous weeks injections are still metabolizing as well, this is where Excel comes in handy. In reality after 18 days your body is still metabolizing nearly 28mg/day of the test. This is why a PCT needs to start later with long esters, they stay with you for a long time. Now, just because our test levels are still above normal doesn't mean our body isn't starting to see negative effects. Our estrogen levels and possibly progestin are rising. This is what the nolvadex/clomid is for. Some people wait 2 weeks after last injection for these, this is usually fine, but there is no reason you can't start taking them right away. It is much harder to know or calculate estrogen and progestin levels than test (without bloodwork). Don't be afraid of the anti Es!

"Jesus christ you made me read this whole fucking thing that was supposed to be about hCG and you haven't even mentioned it yet!" Okay the goal of hCG is to start up testosterone production. The way HCG does this is by mimicing LH. Remember this is Step 4 in the 6 step HPTA process. It does NOT restart the Hypthalamus, therefore does not produce GnRH, therefore does not stimulate the pituitary. However, the pituitary does not need to produce LH since the hCG is mimicing it. The key to all of this is timing. As I mentioned there is a hysterysis built in that will not allow the hypothalamus to start up right away, so what we want to do is to stimulate the rest of the HPTA system so that when the hypothalamus is ready the rest of the system is out of atrophy and ready to produce, namely the testes. So once our test levels starts to approach our normal level (generally about 3 weeks depending on the esters) we can start with HCG injections, I personally do the following:
Day 1 3000IU
Day 4 1500IU
Day 7 750 IU
Day 10 500IU


500 IU ED for 2 weeks

There are a number of different ways, but most of them implement the use of 3-10,000 IU over the course of 10-14 days. The goal is to stimulate the testes without producing too much testosterone that it further hinders the hypothalamus. If you start the HCG too early, which is what most people do, then you will help keep your test levels up enough that it will take even longer for the hypothalamus functions to restart, thus resulting in atrophy of the testes again and wasting a bottle of hCG and a few weeks of recovery.

Is HCG really necessary?
As with most things, it is really dependant on your body. Some people don't recover well and go through depression, mood swings, and other physical and psychological problems during a post-cycle. Using hCG properly can significantly reduce these feelings. Will your body come back to normal without it? Yes, barring rare disorders and circumstances. If you experience significant or even moderate
What I find interesting yet confusing at the same time is that they're implying to not run hcg while on cycle but run it after a cycle. If you start it to early (which they say most of us do) it while further hinder recovery by keeping the test level to high in the body? I've always been under the impression to run it while on cycle to help ease the "shut down" and help kick start pct. so which is it? Where's Nelson, Radar, Needto or Steve at?
Very interesting... You know that your body is getting the same effect from the 500 ius your shooting on day 10 and the 3000 ius your shooting day 1? HCG is all or nothing effect bro, Just so you know cause i did read and you were mentioning wasting. You should run hcg from about week 2-4 (depending on body), all the way until your finished up with your pct... You shouldnt stop using it once you start until your finished with it all... Just my 2 cents... Very good write up tho..
Very interesting... You know that your body is getting the same effect from the 500 ius your shooting on day 10 and the 3000 ius your shooting day 1? HCG is all or nothing effect bro, Just so you know cause i did read and you were mentioning wasting. You should run hcg from about week 2-4 (depending on body), all the way until your finished up with your pct... You shouldnt stop using it once you start until your finished with it all... Just my 2 cents... Very good write up tho..

Thats what I thought too. Anyways it had some interesting points, but I was curious to get a little more input since ti was a little different than the common advice I have seen.

what they are saying is let your nuts shrink up and then just kickstart your PCT with hcg.

its a strategy, doesn't mean it is right or wrong.. but a strategy.

i like to keep my nuts plump throughout cycle.. to accomplish this I like to run hcgenerate 2 caps 2X per day during cycle. then once my cycle winds down then i run the hcg. the nuts stay plump the whole way which makes recovery easier. I am very certain that having plump nuts going into PCT is gonna help you recover faster than having raisins from personal experience.

the only issue i have with the article is the 2nd paragraph. whether you run test or not as a base your body will still stop producing natural test. and since all AAS is derived from test it won't make a difference what you run. I will be conducting blood tests to prove my theory in the next few weeks since I am running tren/var without test. of course running test as a base will probably enhance gains as it is more juice being added. so if you are running 400mg of tren, adding 500mg test will mean you are running almost a gram a week of juice.. so test will make a great compliment to such a cycle. but it isn't necessary for those who like to keep their cycles small and don't have trust funds. I have never run more than 850mg a week of anything in my life. i believe this has helped me make steady and consistent gains and keep a healthy HPTA. a lot of juiceheads at my age are already on HRT.
what they are saying is let your nuts shrink up and then just kickstart your PCT with hcg.

its a strategy, doesn't mean it is right or wrong.. but a strategy.

i like to keep my nuts plump throughout cycle.. to accomplish this I like to run hcgenerate 2 caps 2X per day during cycle. then once my cycle winds down then i run the hcg. the nuts stay plump the whole way which makes recovery easier. I am very certain that having plump nuts going into PCT is gonna help you recover faster than having raisins from personal experience.

the only issue i have with the article is the 2nd paragraph. whether you run test or not as a base your body will still stop producing natural test. and since all AAS is derived from test it won't make a difference what you run. I will be conducting blood tests to prove my theory in the next few weeks since I am running tren/var without test. of course running test as a base will probably enhance gains as it is more juice being added. so if you are running 400mg of tren, adding 500mg test will mean you are running almost a gram a week of juice.. so test will make a great compliment to such a cycle. but it isn't necessary for those who like to keep their cycles small and don't have trust funds. I have never run more than 850mg a week of anything in my life. i believe this has helped me make steady and consistent gains and keep a healthy HPTA. a lot of juiceheads at my age are already on HRT.

I will be trying some HCgenerate as soon as I find someone who is headed down to Mexico and will have it shipped to them. I am not sure if NTBM ships to Mexico, but either way I avoid Mexican customs as much as possible.
half life calculation for a drug it is not simply dividing the actual mass of the drug by two . It is much more complicated, i do not believe that that method of finding the half life of a drug is true at all. Just read a prescription drug information sheet and you will c. As for the HCG it is pretty interesting. I myself like to load up high on the first week following last shot, than i slow down for the next two weeks.
There definately seem to be be different schools of thoughts, as Steve says above about it being a strategy. As everything to do with AAS I guess it is how each individual reacts and what works for you. I found the article interesting in the sense that it was different than the convential method.
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