I appreciate your help, hoping even a low dose of T can help my energy levels a bit but really doing my research(or attempting to) before moving forward. Money isn't an issue, diet is on point I'm just looking for a little assistance.
Thanks everyone.
There is no such thing as an "on point diet" in my opinion. The reason I say that is because our food sources are lacking the nutrients. Soil is depleted and all thats added in is whats needed to make stuff grow.
Can you tell me how much of the following you are getting daily? Or even how much of the following is even required daily for optimal health? My guess is you cant and if you cant, then how can you claim your diet is on point? Your carb/fat/protein ratios are the least of anyones worries.
vit C
vit A
vit K
vit D
vit E
all the B vits
There are so many diets out there and so many ways to eat, they all claim to be the holy grail but I have yet to find one that doesnt short us of some important nutritional element.
Most people here will agree the medical community doesnt know jack shit about nutrition and thats somewhat understandable because they have little or no nutritional training. Whats really sad is the nutritional courses today also gloss over so many important things and even worse scare people into believing we get enough in our diet or that too much is detrimental giving people a false sense of security.
There are literally hundreds of books on the above elements and a lot of contention as to whats really required. Just like using AAS, we need to educate ourselves and make our own decisions by sifting through all the BS out there. This may require some experimentation and special lab testing as well.
I wont get into a lot of details but simply bring up a couple things to illustrate my point. the US RDA for iodine is 150mcg with a safe upper limit claimed to be 400mcg. If you look at the general population of japan and compare iodine intake studies have shown that the average japanses consumes 5-13mg of iodine yet they have fewer incidence of goiter, breast and prostate cancer. If the japanese consume on well over 100 times what the US RDA says is safe why are they, as a people, generally healthier? Shouldnt they be dropping like flies from the toxic levels of iodine they consume? Iodine is crucial for thyroid function but also plays a very large role in many other parts of the body. Most people in the US consume just barely enough iodine so they dont have serious thyroid issues but many still suffer from poor thyroid performance. The forums here are chalk full of people who claim to eat right yet still cant lose any weight. Im going to go out on a limb and say this is because they are by and large deficient in iodine. To add insult to injury there is more to iodine than just deficiency, its a halide and when deficient the body will hold on to fluoride and bromide, neither of which is needed but they do pose toxicity issues.
Another common item so few overlook is potassium consumptions. Bring up potassium supplementation to a Doc or nutritionist and they will often warn to be careful because too much can cause problems and it can but who gets even the US RDA value of 4700mg a day? Altering your diet and supplementing if needbe to get 4700mg a day will almost certainly benefit any athlete or anyone suffering from aches and pains.
Lets take a look at collagen, in addition to folks not being able to shed unwanted fat another common issue we see here is injuries. Were active people so injuries are more likely to happen but whats become common place is people suffering chronically from things that should just take a few days or a couple weeks to heal. The usual recommendation here is fish oil, msm, glucosimine but what does any of that really do? The injuries that take the longest to heal are typically joint, tendon or ligament related so what do these tissues have in common? They are all collagen based. The main building blocks of collagen are lysine and proline. We cant manufacture lysine so it has to come from diet but in order to for lysine to be synthesized you need adequate vit C and not just the RDA of 75mg but at least 3g spread throughout the day. As if getting rid of aches and pains associated with overuse injuries to collagen based tissue werent enough, the most common cause of death in the US is CVD (ie cardio vascular disease). A clogging of arteries by lipoprotien-a that starts when we are young and continues over the course of our lifetime. LP(a) is the bodies band-aid for damaged arterial tissue and binds to prevent ruptures but in doing so it increases blood pressure, reduces elasticity in the artery and blood flow. So along with helping your aches and pains due to tendon/ligament damage vit c and lysine essentially reverse cardiovascular disease.
At the end of the day a simple test cycle may boost protien metabolism and give you a little kick of energy and a better feeling of well being its not a fix and unless your going on TRT you will be done with your cycle in a couple month and then will have to face coming off where test levels are in the toilet. You think you feel like shit now, wait till you come off.
AAS use should be done when one is on the top of their game and feels good. It shouldnt be used when your body is clearly not running optimally.