Posted by RZ on February 04, 1997 at 11:32:48:
In Reply to: Re: 3 Questions for Dr. L posted by Dr L on February 03, 1997 at 14:41:03:
: : Dr. L
: : In your prior posts you mentioned the term 'testicular insufficient'.
: : By that , do you mean low free
: : testosterone and/or low total testosterone (~300-400ng/dl)?
: =Low total testosterone <600 for a <30
: If you have normal total testo but low free it's another problem
: generally it appears for obese male
: Low-mild total testo and high free testo is seen in obese female
: : Why not make use of Testolactone(Teslac) instead of proviron? Cost?
: Teslac is not a AS ,it prevents the conversion of testo in female hormone
: Provirion is an androgen which doesn't aromatize in female hormone
: It's slighty different, you can use proviron alone but you need to use teslac with a testosterone-like
: otherwise it's useless
: : Would adding Deca (~200 - 400 mg/week for 6-8wks)
: : to the Proviron/Oxandrolone stack defeat the purpose?
: you can not help you to stack up AS ! The more you stack the more
: you are likely to get acute side effects. Stop to always think in term of cycle
: i have already explained than longer, fewer is better and safer
: 50-150mg/ week of deca is sufficient, you can use Proviron/Oxandrolone
: or proviron/deca which is more potent but less safe.
: : Would this make hypogonadism worse?
: of course
: : terms of nitrogen retention
: with deca it would be improved BUT side effects too
: and finally you might be compelled to stop this "cycle with deca" earlier than "without deca"
: Do you want to improve slightly your nitrogen retention during 2 months or 4?
: recovery aid and possibly helping with joint pains associated with lifting.
: I can't say, i'm not enough skilled in BB, generally joint pain get worse with/after AS
: :
: : Thank you very much for answers and contributions.
Thanks for the info. Dr. L. So as a matter of review,
Let's say a 31 yo male has the following
hormonal profile:
total testo of ~350 ng.dl,
free testo of 17 pg/ml (normal should be 18-39,I
%free testo .47
LH ~5.3-8.4 MIU/ML
estrogen 67 PG/ML
Body Type: Mostly Endo
BF: 12-13%
Wt.: 198 lbs
Ht: 5'7"
no gyno, susciptible(sic) to hair loss,
testes size: normal
This male follows an excellent diet and intense
exercise 4 times a week.
Then if one follows your advise correctly then
he should the following:
a) it appears that this person is a type 1 based
on your previous postings. Therefore:
b) start at 10 mg of Provirion a day for 1st week and try
to reach 25mg by the end of the month. Take
a blood test and make sure LH is above 0.5.
So the questions are (please forgive me for repeating
what you might have already covered):
1) Should one stay at 25mg of Proviron for life
or increase to 40 mg a day (for life)? Or
should one take Provirion until testo elevates
to ~600 and then stop?
2) We have discussed oxandrolone and you have
stated that 40mg for 45 days is safe and effective.
Is there a time in the Provirion administration
period that one should start oxandrolone or at
any time of therapy (i.e should one wait a few weeks
after start of Proviron therapy or at the start)?
3) There has been some who say that oxandrolone
has caused them indegestion problems. In your
experience how should one administer this drug?
In small divided doses? Before, with or after meals?
Thanks again for your help