Re: things you need

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Posted by MaxRep on January 04, 1997 at 13:53:34:

In Reply to: Re: things you need posted by Hulkster on January 04, 1997 at 10:09:04:

: : :
: : : : : After reviewing the facts... I've come to this conclusion, but would like if you'd people would correct me if I'm wrong... To begin a first mass building cycle, you need as a bare minimum

: : : : : - Testosterone

: : : : : - Nolvadex

: : : : : - HCG

: : : : : - and something mild to taper off (Primo or what ever)

: : : : : now...

: : : : : I calculated this all to be around $1000.00 Canadian... now before you all choke on your laughter at this posting, I'd really like to know... I guess, and I know that different things are good for different people, and I realize that what works for Joe Juicer, will not necessarily work for me...

: : : : : But...

: : : : : Am I fair to say, if you want to keep gains, and not have to many androgenic side effects, that this is what you'll need? or am I just rambling away?

: : : : :
: : : : : Matty

I don't claim to be an expert, but for a first time
cycle I don't think you would have to spend that
much if you had a good source. A friend of mine gained
36 lbs on a six week cycle of Test Enthanate and
2cc's of sostenon 250. Which probably cost him $175(U.S.)
No nolvadex, no clomid, no mild anabolic to taper off.
He lost about 10 lbs of water in the four weeks following
his cycle which amounted to a gain of 26 lbs after
the cycle and with virtually no change in bodyfat.

He took Flax oil, citrus bioflavinoids, and saw palmetto
during the cycle and had virtually NO side effects other than
a little water retention and shrunken 'nads. Four weeks
after the cycle he had rebounded and his 'nads and most of the
strength he gained were back.

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