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Rob Riches es uno de los mejores culturistas del mundo y Rob Riches entrenamiento lo ha puesto en la portada de fitness y musculares innumerables revistas. Here\'s part 2 de su entrevista con George Spellwin! Here\'s a link to Part 1 de Rob Riches entrevista publicada hace unos días en el caso de que no.
Rob Riches: I had amassed quite a collection of bodybuilding and fitness magazines, and had started forming in my mind an ideal physique that I wanted to have. I had started a training folder whereby I had kept track of all my workouts as well as cuttings of bodybuilders and fitness models, and also food recipes and any words of motivation that inspired me. This was my folder that I turned to when I didn’t feel like going to the gym, or had had a bad day. I told myself that by my 21st birthday, I would have built my body up enough to be able to be in one of these magazines. That was my goal, my inspiration. I wrote it in big bold letters at the back of my training journal; “You can be as good as any of these models!"
Over the next four years I continued to train and build my knowledge about health and nutrition. I wouldn’t read anything without my high-lighter pen. My training folder soon became two, and then three, y así sucesivamente. I had built a wealth of knowledge about training, as well building up my body to the point where I felt it was comparable to a lot of the guys in the (aptitud) revistas. Durante este tiempo, I had also studied and passed many different fitness qualifications, as well as started working in gyms, becoming a personal trainer, and building up a number of clients who wanted to learn how to transform their bodies.
I now felt ready to achieve my goal, but like when I first started with the weight training, I didn’t know what to do, or who to ask to get myself in one of these magazines. One of the members in the gym where I worked at had competed in competitions before, and recommended I take my physique to the stage.
I hadn’t given it too much thought before then, but I had effectively been training like a bodybuilder, surrounded by bodybuilders, and eating like one for the past 4 años. It suddenly sparked my interest again in competition, and so I started finding out more about the local competitions in my area. I noticed after paying more attention to the bodybuilding magazines, that many of the top bodybuilders were sponsored by the supplements companies whose products they were using. Almost from the beginning, I had been using a range of supplements from a company called LA Muscle (Ironic considering I am now based in LA). I found a contact address and sent them a picture of me posing in my shorts in my kitchen at home, along with a few words about who I was, and my goal of appearing in a fitness magazine and stepping on stage.
It wasn’t long before I got a reply from them, and was invited to meet with the director of the company. He was impressed with what I had achieved so far, and wanted to take some photos of me outside his office. Thinking back now, that was my first actual photo shoot, and I remember being asked to flex my lats and not knowing how. This frustrated me as I felt I had control over my body, yet couldn’t engage these muscles. A new interest in fitness was sparked; and the art of posing was now one of my goals.
I was informed of several different bodybuilding shows coming up, and told that I should enter a natural, drug-free show to give me the best chance of winning. For that I have my old window cleaner to thank since one of the first things he taught me was to stay away from steroids, and to always check the ingredients of the supplements before I took them. He was my first real mentor, and helped guide me in the direction that I am still heading in this day.
With the help and guidance from LA Muscle, I started to train with much more focus, learning more about what needs to be done prior to a competition, as well as what I was being judged for. With the past biking competitions I had done, it was the fastest rider who won the race; with bodybuilding there were far more factors that determined who won. I wanted to understand them all in order to have the best chance.
Several months into my training, and only months away from my 21st birthday, I got an email from the director at LA Muslce, telling me I should go out and buy a magazine called ‘Four Four Two’ (a soccer magazine), along with a page number I should turn to. One page I was told to look at was a commercial for LA Muscle supplements. At first glance, I thought this was a new supplement that would help me burn more fat or lift more weights. But then I looked closer and realized the model at the top of the page was me – from one of the photos first taken of me when I went to meet with LA Muscle. I had made it into a magazine by my 21st birthday!
This only fuelled my goal towards stepping on stage and, in June of 2005, I did just that entering the novice category at the British Natural Bodybuilding Federation. It was a tough category, and even with 8 first-time competitors, I was the youngest by quite a few years. Thankfully my dedication to training and nutrition had paid off, and I was awarded first place. I will never forget the feeling that rushed through my body when I heard my name called out and heard all of my friends, family and sponsors cheering for me after I won; this is what I think back to when I’m struggling in the gym. This moment on stage is what changed the direction of my life, and ultimately my career. It lead me on a fascinating and rewarding journey that has seen me move from England to Los Angeles, work with some of my fitness icons, and open the door to opportunities I would have never thought possible before I stepped on stage.
Here\'s some links to talk more about Rob Riches on the Gimnasio Elite foros!
- Rob Riches - Nuevo miembro de
- Rob revender Galería
- Rob Riches vídeos de YouTube
- Rob Riches\'s EliteFitness Profile
- Rob Riches Blog
Here\'s a link to Part 3 de la entrevista Rob Riches Abs.
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Ahora usted puede diseñar ciclos de esteroides anabólicos perfecta cada vez con la guía definitiva para crear potentes, musculación ciclos de esteroides que le hará la envidia de los culturistas de élite de todo el mundo.
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