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An dernier, Elite caught up with one of our Les membres Platinum, who goes by his real name Nathan sur la Forums de discussion, and who has made outstanding progress with his physique since joining Elite about 4 il y a des années.
Take a look at his before and after pics (taken one year ago) - hard to believe, but these pics are only 4 years apart.
En cette semaine Nouvelles 's, we have a full profile of our Forums de discussion Platinum Member Nathan and how he developed his physique - we've also got more pictures of his transformation!
One thing in particular that I have noticed about the EF Members with the best physiques is that they are all Platinum Members. What they have all told me is that they use their Platinum Membership on to get the training advice, steroid cycle help, unrestricted search of our 3.5 million+ post archives, and the support from our underground community that has made their remarkable transformations possible. If your looking to make progress like Nathan and the other Platinum Members that I'll be profiling in the weeks ahead, I hope you'll consider becoming a Platinum Member of our forums - I guarantee that you'll get the tools you need to make your own amazing, muscular transformation. Et maintenant, without further delay, here's this weeks member profile!
G.S. - What's your name on the Elite Forums?
G.S. - Quel âge as-tu?
Maintenant 25. j'étais 20 in the before pics.
G.S. - Where are you from, where did you grow up?
Hamilton, L'Ontario, Canada.
G.S. - When did you first come to
I believe it was March of 2001.
G.S. - How did you choose your name on the forums?
When it comes to subtle monikers, I'm practically a genius. I was going for strength, determination and an overall positive attitude when I chose my forum name.
G.S. - lol - Have you made many friends on the forums?
J'ai. Far too many people to list have been patient and helpful with me over the years, most of whom are still around. I've also made friends with similar interests outside of bodybuilding.
G.S. - Do you see any of them in the offline world?
I have met a few people from Elite face-to-face actually. I was hesitant at first to be honest, though in the end was very glad I had met them, and I even see a couple of them on a regular basis.
G.S. - How many times a week do you come to the site?
It used to be every day when I first got started here, though due to a more hectic schedule as of late I'd say I visit Elite 3-4 times a week on average, sometimes more.
G.S. - What forums do you read the most?
I started with the anabolic, régime, Platinum Underground, and training boards primarily, and eventually started visiting the chat board as well.
G.S. - I appreciate your posting your pics on the Pictures of our Members Forums too. How do you use the site and the forums to compliment and support your training?
My Platinum Membership on the forums has been integral for me, personnellement. J'ai eu du mal à rencontrer des gens dans ma salle de gym que j'ai respecté et dont les conseils j'ai senti à l'aise de prendre quand j'ai commencé de levage. When you're the small guy, not many of the big guys have any real interest in befriending you since it's readily apparent they aren't going to learn or benefit much from training with you. The Platinum Membership on the forums and the unrestricted Platinum Search Engine helped me bypass that particular obstacle and gave me the instant respect that allowed me to start picking the brains of the guys I actually wanted to look like.
G.S. - What are your goals for the future both with your physique and
dans le cas contraire?
I hope to put on a little more muscle mass and lean down a little further. I have a lot still to learn about water depletion, carb-loading and the like. Apart from that, I suppose I hope to get my PhD and obtain the status of world-class ballerina within the next few years.
G.S. - D'accord, with that BS answer, you're forcing me to show one more "before pic." Maintenant, please tell us how you train?
On a scale of 1 à 10, I train at an 11. Sorry, couldn't resist. I have my good days and my bad, just like everybody else. It's tough being into it all the time, though I would say 90-95% of the time I go to the gym if I've planned to, even if I'm not in the mood for it. I aim for a rep range of 8-12, though often go heavier for the more compound lifts (deadlifts, squats, bench press) to test my strength as well as try to increase it. Performing 8-12 reps is good for growth, but being able to do 8-12 reps with a heavier weight is ultimately better.
I generally do more exercises and sets each week for the bigger bodyparts (par exemple. 12 for chest, 13-14 for back, 10 for quads) and fewer for the smaller ones (par exemple. 6 for calves, 6 for forearms, 8-9 for biceps and triceps).
G.S. - That's an interesting strategy anf it appears to have worked. What's your body fat % à?
I haven't had it tested in a couple years, though I would say it's around 7% currently.
G.S. - Ever plan on competing?
I'd like to compete this up-coming season. I did my contest prep last season for a show and ended up having to pack it in 3 weeks out as I recently went back to (Graduate) école, and with an increasingly hectic schedule I decided to put school first.
G.S. - Tell us about your diet?
I'm relatively strict I would say. I typically eat 8 meals a day, consisting of foods like rolled oats (with cinnamon), brown rice, beans, tuna, salmon, natural peanut butter, lean steak and chicken, whole grain breads, protein supplements (powder and bars), etc.
G.S. - What kind of gains have you seen since you found Elite?
I came to Elite and got my Platinum Membership about 6 mois après mon avant les photos ont été prises. Clearly in the time before my before pics were taken, I had made little to no progress. Once I joined Elite, I focused on being a better listener. In seriousness, given my sign-up date and daily visits, le calcul est assez simple. The boards and my Platinum Membership have been irreplaceable to me.
G.S. - Tell us about your supplementation?
I generally take a protein supplement daily and enjoy the odd protein bar. I have found creatine and glutamine to prove beneficial in my training beyond a doubt. For fat loss, I typically try to stick to a good diet and workout regimen and haven't used fat burners in about 3 années. toutefois, when I did incorporate fat burners into my supplementation when dieting, I found them to be helpful but unnecessary.
G.S. - Tell us a little about your lifestyle? What do you do? Married?
Hobbies? Train with your significant other?
I am currently a Master's student in astrophysics, which keeps me rather busy. I'm single, like to draw, and deeply enjoy listening to K. D. Lang while taking long bubble baths.
G.S. - Is there anything else you would like for the
community to know?
I once skipped faster than a horse can run.
G.S. - D'accord, now I wish I had one more before pic! Thank you for the interview, and thank you for supporting the site as a Membre Platine - I'll see you on the forums!
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