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Elite Fitness Platinum member Tom Czeszak has made one of the most incredible body transformations I've ever seen! He dropped 120 pounds in only 6 meses, and got ripped beyond his wildest dreams. And he shared his before after pictures and secrets for success in this exclusive EliteFitness interview. Mas primeiro, since before after pictures are worth a thousand words, let's take a look at Tom's before after pictures and see what Tom did in 6 months time.
Before Pictures | Depois Pictures |
We’ve all seen those cheesy before and after pictures strewn across the Internet where people claim to have made incredible body transformations in a matter of just a few months. Geralmente, these pictures show some flabby, out-of-shape guy who followed this or that workout plan and got ripped like crazy in a 6 month span. I don’t think I need to tell you how full of crap these people are either.
Agora você pode arranje um 4 mês Platinum Membro para os fóruns de discussão por apenas $25.91. Com a sua assinatura Platinum, você obter recursos importantes, como uma 5000 Caixa de correio PM, Bate-papo ao vivo, o site discrição, busca irrestrita, seu próprio quadro de discussão, the private Platinum Boards, fotos de tamanho completo, sem anúncios, relatórios do bônus, and fun stuff like Karma Hits , estrelas brilhantes , e bombas ! Os Fóruns de Discussão Aptidão da elite são os únicos Fóruns em sua classe (no meu conhecimento) Com mais 100 pages of real before after pictures and testimonials from real, live members who actually exist and post on Elite everyday. These are NOT made up before after pictures. I understand that any fool on the net can type up some testimonials and stick them on a page. But I give you my word of honor that these before after pictures are legit. All of the following ones were posted right on the discussion boards. Here are some of the recent before after pictures from the discussion boards along with links to the original post. I would really appreciate it if you would read these...
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Most of these people take several years to make their “incredible” transformations. Afinal, it’s pretty hard to stick to an intense workout plan for several months straight without having some lapses here or there. But recently, I came across an EliteFitness member who was able to make an incredible transformation in just 6 months... de fato, he lost 120 libras em apenas 6 meses!
His name is Tom Czeszak and he was able to drop from a hefty 350 libras, to a ripped 230 pounds. And this is no bullshit either as he followed a rigorous training program over the half year that he got serious about hitting the gym. Czeszak’s story is one of the most inspiring ones I’ve ever heard!
But I wanted to be more than inspired after reading about Czeszak (you can read about him and discuss his transformation and look at this before after pictures here on the fóruns.) I wanted to find out just how he was able to make such an incredible change. So I asked Tom to sit down with me to find out even more about his journey from an overweight, couch potato to a guy who’s now seriously considering competing in bodybuilding shows.
Get ready to hear just what it takes to make the transformation that you’ve always dreamed of!
George Spellwin: Many people sit around thinking about losing incredible amounts of weight, but you actually did it. In fact, you lost around 120 pounds in a 6-month span – Isto é 2/3 of a pound a day! How tough was it to stick to your plan and make such an incredible physical transformation?
Tom Czeszak: Dropping all that weight was damn tough, and a lot of sweat and pain. But when I achieved it, it felt damn good. Week by week seeing yourself transform... that made all the pain disappear. There wasn't a day that I said, “I can't.” I just put my mind in a place where nothing else mattered. I focused on myself. It's like I’m in a trance when I train. The toughest part is the diet, but week by week your mind and body just gets used to it. I really focused on the diet, which is always number 1.
George Spellwin: Was there any one thing you can pinpoint that motivated you to improve your before after pictures and body image so much?
Tom Czeszak:Many things motivated me to improve my body. Main thing was my age; It was April 19, 2009, and I thought to myself , "Jeez I’m turning 25 in six days.” I said to myself, “I’m at the point where I do it now or I never do it!” I wanted to do so much, but couldn't because of my size.
George Spellwin: Were there ever moments when you had lapses and got off track?
Tom Czeszak:Never! There wasn't a day that I even felt I was going to go off track or lose focus. Every time I got out my car to walk to the gym, I couldn't wait to put my stuff in the locker and start training. It’s like a drug, I can't get enough.
George Spellwin: Are your friends and family amazed by the transformation?
Tom Czeszak: Ha, to say the least. They are really amazed at my transformation – especially family. They are very proud. When it comes to the friends, it's funny, when your fat friend turns out to be better looking than you are, and in better shape than the friend who thought he was. My bigger friends ask me for tips all the time and give me the respect not just on losing the weight, but from the muscle and strength I gained. But some of my other friends – a.k.a. the people who think they are in shape and think they know what they’re during at the gym – are afraid to ask me for tips. I just sense jealousy from them. Not to sound like an ass, but I read many forums, asked many questions, did countless hours researching, tried different things, and my results speak for itself. I’m the type of person that wants to help people and I don’t mind sharing all I know. There is so much more to learn.
George Spellwin: I also have respect for anyone who will actually do a before/after pictures series - that helps a lot. Have you met anyone from the past who doesn’t even recognize you anymore?
Tom Czeszak:Oh sim, many old friends are in shock and aw. I'll walk by them and say, “Hey.” I get no response till I tell them it’s me!
George Spellwin: I once heard Oprah Winfrey talk about what life was like after she quit her bad habits lost so much weight... She basically said that she lost a lot of her friends. Did you experience anything similar to this after the positive body change and, if so, do you have any regrets?
Tom Czeszak:My experience was similar, I lost many friends and I have no regrets. I say f--k them make new ones (as one of my buddy's from EliteFitness gently put it). Anyone that puts you down or is negative is bad news. Negativity is the worst... stay clear from it. Keep your mind positive.
George Spellwin: I know that there are no miracle workouts or meals a person can eat to accomplish what you did... it takes a lot of hard work! But do you think there are any workouts, exercícios, and/or meals you ate that helped propel you to this incredible weight loss?
Tom Czeszak:Let’s start with clothing I was wearing... Sweats and a sweater throughout my workouts and cardio sessions. I wanted to sweat and sweat. When it came to cardio, I would do 20 minutes on the treadmill on the highest incline (15) and walk at 4-4.5 speed before I started lifting. After workouts, I would do either 20 minutes incline walk again or intervals (I was trying to focus on burning my fat not muscle) para 20 minutos. When I first started intervals, I think I was doing 3 minutes walk, and then run for a minute at like 6 velocidade. But I kept pushing myself to go faster and ended up doing 2 minutes walking, e 1 minute sprints at 12 speed for 20 min (it’s like a cake walk now). I’m pushing myself now to do incline intervals at 7.5 height on 12 speed... gets easier and easier.
Abs I would hit just about everyday before workouts and afterwards too. Started off doing maybe 100 representantes de (various types). Slowly added more and more, and ended up doing about 250 before lifting (after cardio) e 250 after lifting (before cardio).
When it came to lifting, jeez, I can go on and on. I had two different routines, and switched every week to confuse my mind and muscles. Was doing 7-9 different exercises and usually 4 define (10, 8, 6, 4), and threw in several drop sets. I would hit one body part a day. Trained 6 days straight, em seguida 1 day rest. Had to switch it up to 3 ligar, 1 off and 3 ligar, 1 off... em seguida, repita.
I know it’s a lot, but I didn’t care. I just wanted to give it my all and I did, day in and day out. If I didn’t walk out on my hands and knees after training, then I didn’t hit it hard enough. I have so much passion when it comes to training – I a
George Spellwin: Do you have any plans on competing in any shows?
Tom Czeszak:Absolutamente, SIM! This is one of the things that I want to do and will do. Can’t wait for that day to stand on the stage... I can just imagine how it will feel. I know it will take time and a lot of effort, but it will all be worth it to me.
George Spellwin: I’ve noticed on the EliteFitness forums that your story and before after pictures have inspired a lot of our members. How does it make you feel to motivate others to get in shape like you did?
Tom Czeszak:It feels great to know that I motivate people to get in shape. I am always willing to help anyone, as I know how it feels. I have been to the lowest of low, and now that is in the past and will stay there.
George Spellwin: Is there any advice you could give EF members who might also want to make a big change in their body image such as the one you made?
Tom Czeszak:Conselhos: stop putting it off and saying I’ll start tomorrow or next Monday. F--k that! Start now! First thing you need to know is that DIET is number 1. You can go to the gym for hours and for months, and you will not see results if your diet is not in check. This is always the first thing I ask people when they say "I’m not seeing results" or "how did you get to where you are so quick", etc. I always say diet, dieta, dieta, get this in check, and everything else will fall into place. Also you need to make training a lifestyle.
George Spellwin: Is there anything else you’d like to add?
Tom Czeszak: Want to stay THANK YOU to ElitleFitness for acknowledging for my progress (means a lot to me). Also to all the members with their comments, tips, and answer to my questions. It adds fuel to my tank that pushes me to go harder. STATE OF MIND IS EVERYTHING!!!!
George Spellwin: Thanks Tom, and thanks for supporting Elite as a Platinum Estados-. I'll see you on the fóruns. And we all look forward to seeing even more after pictures of you!
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