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Approved Log My SARMS Rad-140 YK11 Ostarine mk2866 cycle Log


7hrs sleep

05.00 hot blood preworkout and BCAA+glutamate drink
Gym Workout 1

8.00 Breakfast: Protein shake with 10g creatine, porridge, coffee (almond milk), boiled eggs x3

9.00 Organ shield (puruslabs) X2, 5% rich piana liver & organ, Tudca, alpha lipoic acid.
Vitamin: complex D, D3, super omega oil, C.
20mg Rad140
5mg YK11
40mg Mk2866

12.30 Lunch: mackerel and mushroom rice with home grown kale, beans and broccoli.

17.00 protein shake with 10g creatine, + YK11 5mg

20.00 Dinner: chicken green curry with rice

21.00 protein shake


7hrs sleep

6.00 Breakfast: Protein shake with 10g creatine, porridge, coffee (almond milk), boiled eggs x3

9.00 Organ shield (puruslabs) X2, 5% rich piana liver & organ, Tudca, alpha lipoic acid.
Vitamin: complex D, D3, super omega oil, C.
20mg Rad140
5mg YK11
40mg Mk2866

12.30 Lunch: mackerel and mushroom rice with home grown kale, beans and broccoli.

17.00 protein shake with 10g creatine, + YK11 5mg
21.00 Dinner: chicken breast with blue cheese sauce and green veg.
Workout 2:03/08/2023
2. Back squats (then 1 set @ 100kg)3x8x90kg /100
3. Military Press (then drop down to max out)3x8x50kg
4. Bent over barbell row3x8x90kg
8. Single leg dumbell squats3x8x44kg (2x22kg)
6. standing dumbbell curls (then spider curls to max out)4x8x16kg / 14kg
6. Laternal side raisers3x10x10kg
7. Hack squats to burn!1 x 30 x 30kg
7. Leg extensions3x8x73kg
7. Calf raisers4x12x50kg
9. Tricep press ups till failure20/10/8/3
Almost 4 weeks in and I haven't seen the growth I was expecting. Should I by now or am I being unrealistic? I experienced more growth from a rad140 only cycle at a lower dose over 6 weeks

The weights have increased a bit but put this mostly down to routine and training hard. I am questioning the potency of the 'bulking' stack. I plan to do my bloods again in a couple of weeks to see if there is any rise in test.


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7hrs sleep

05.00 hot blood preworkout and BCAA+glutamate drink
Gym Workout 1

8.00 Breakfast: Protein shake with 10g creatine, porridge, coffee (almond milk), boiled eggs x3

9.00 Organ shield (puruslabs) X2, 5% rich piana liver & organ, Tudca, alpha lipoic acid.
Vitamin: complex D, D3, super omega oil, C.
20mg Rad140
5mg YK11
40mg Mk2866

12.30 Lunch: mackerel and mushroom rice with home grown kale, beans and broccoli.

17.00 protein shake with 10g creatine, + YK11 5mg

20.00 Dinner: chicken green curry with rice

21.00 protein shake


7hrs sleep

6.00 Breakfast: Protein shake with 10g creatine, porridge, coffee (almond milk), boiled eggs x3

9.00 Organ shield (puruslabs) X2, 5% rich piana liver & organ, Tudca, alpha lipoic acid.
Vitamin: complex D, D3, super omega oil, C.
20mg Rad140
5mg YK11
40mg Mk2866

12.30 Lunch: mackerel and mushroom rice with home grown kale, beans and broccoli.

17.00 protein shake with 10g creatine, + YK11 5mg
21.00 Dinner: chicken breast with blue cheese sauce and green veg.
@tui honestly your protein is still low , i dont know how much you eating like mackerel 50grams of 1kg?
Almost 4 weeks in and I haven't seen the growth I was expecting. Should I by now or am I being unrealistic? I experienced more growth from a rad140 only cycle at a lower dose over 6 weeks

The weights have increased a bit but put this mostly down to routine and training hard. I am questioning the potency of the 'bulking' stack. I plan to do my bloods again in a couple of weeks to see if there is any rise in test.
@tui 4 weeks isnt much to get growth but honestly your issue is the food, you're not eating enough by far

and rad140 doesnt boost testosterone levels its a SARM aka selectively modulates the androgen receptor
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