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Try to read the FBI files on Bernard Baruch...

Testosterone boy said:
I know who you work for.

Your BS is in history. Mine would be in economics if I had passed the foreign language requirement. All other requirements were fulfilled.

So kindly butt out.
I've never heard of a BS in history but a conspiracy theory nut wouldn't care about facts, I understand... I hear the US never landed on the moon.... :rolleyes:
In a comment made to a Columbia University class on Nov. 12, 1963,

Ten days before his assassination, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy allegedly said:

"The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American's freedom and before I leave office, I must inform the citizen of this plight."

In this matter, John Fitzgerald Kennedy appears to be the subject of his own book... a true Profile of Courage.
javaguru said:
I've never heard of a BS in history but a conspiracy theory nut wouldn't care about facts, I understand... I hear the US never landed on the moon.... :rolleyes:

Working overtime? I'm surprised that more of your co-workers have not pounced on this thread...yet.

tactics to use:

use: moonbat, liberal, tin foil hat, conspiracy theorist
attempt to take the high road. be "above"

tactics to avoid:

Ya'll need a new OPs manual.
After a huge public relations campaign, engineered by the foreign central banks, the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was slipped through Congress during the Christmas recess, with many members of the Congress absent. President Woodrow Wilson, pressured by his political and financial backers, signed it on December 23, 1913.

The act created the Federal Reserve System, a name carefully selected and designed to deceive. "Federal" would lead one to believe that this is a government organization. "Reserve" would lead one to believe that the currency is being backed by gold and silver. "System" was used in lieu of the word "bank" so that one would not conclude that a new central bank had been created.

In reality, the act created a private, for profit, central banking corporation owned by a cartel of private banks. Who owns the FED? The Rothschilds of London and Berlin; Lazard Brothers of Paris; Israel Moses Seif of Italy; Kuhn, Loeb and Warburg of Germany; and the Lehman Brothers, Goldman, Sachs and the Rockefeller families of New York.

Did you know that the FED is the only for-profit corporation in America that is exempt from both federal and state taxes? The FED takes in about one trillion dollars per year tax free! The banking families listed above get all that money.

Huh....all those courses didn't really cover this.
ill debate your conspiracy theories all day.

ill warn you: if you start telling me that Bush has a financial interest in high gas prices, or that we started the war in Iraq in order to line the pockets of Halliburton execs, that's the point the debate stops. I'm not gonna deal with these garbage Michael Moore-esque assertions.

Testosterone boy said:
Working overtime? I'm surprised that more of your co-workers have not pounced on this thread...yet.

tactics to use:

use: moonbat, liberal, tin foil hat, conspiracy theorist
attempt to take the high road. be "above"

tactics to avoid:

Ya'll need a new OPs manual.
If "We the People" don't take some action now, there may come a time when "We the People" are no more. You should write a letter or send an email to each of your elected representatives. Many of our elected representatives do not understand the FED. Once informed they will not be able to plead ignorance and remain silent.

Article 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution specifically says that Congress is the only body that can "coin money and regulate the value thereof." The US Constitution has never been amended to allow anyone other than Congress to coin and regulate currency.

Ask your representative, in light of that information, how it is possible for the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, and the Federal Reserve Bank that it created, to be constitutional. Ask them why this private banking cartel is allowed to reap trillions of dollars in profits without paying taxes. Insist on an answer.

Thomas Jefferson said, "If the America people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currencies, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their prosperity until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
Testosterone boy said:
When was the income tax created? If you guessed 1913, the same year that the FED was created, you get a gold star.
Only if you want to be wrong..... See....Internal Revenue act of 1862...

"In 1862, in order to support the Civil War effort, Congress enacted the nation's first income tax law. It was a forerunner of our modern income tax in that it was based on the principles of graduated, or progressive, taxation and of withholding income at the source. During the Civil War, a person earning from $600 to $10,000 per year paid tax at the rate of 3%. Those with incomes of more than $10,000 paid taxes at a higher rate. Additional sales and excise taxes were added, and an “inheritance” tax also made its debut. In 1866, internal revenue collections reached their highest point in the nation's 90-year history—more than $310 million, an amount not reached again until 1911."
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