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Trouble injecting myself


New member

I've been on 200/200 deca/test-e for 3 weeks now, my first cycle. And so far its been great, no noticable sides(yet), and good gains.

But last week when I was injecting myself, something went a little wrong, I think I struck a vein as i was injecting(but I did aspirate), anyways, I got dizzy, and just had to abort the injection and go lay down.
Tried again the next day, but couldnt make the injection. Mental block kinda thing.
So I figured id just wait a couple of days, cool off, then go again. But no way. Still cant do it. And now I'm considering just giving up the entire thing.

Does anyone have tips to what I can do? I injected my glutes the first times, have tried the quads now, but no luck.

The main reason I went for deca is the low sides and the kindness to joints and tendons. Guess you cant get something like that in oral as?
just man up and do it. you will look back 12 weeks from now when you are bigger and stronger and know it was worth it.

Try doing the shoulders, there arent many veins and nerves there.
Delts for sure and quit being such a sissy! ;-) you went in one side and out the other on a small vein. Thats why when you aspirated there was no blood. Done it 100's of times...litterally.

what everyone else says. or ..... you could slam your dick in a drawer and then then do your injection, you wont even give the injection a second thought...I prefer quads, outer 1/3 about center between knee and pelvis. good luck bro.
here a tip after drawing hold the pin at a 45 degree angle allow a drop to run down the pin while rotating the syringe this lubes the pin ,inject into shoulder (delt) you wont hardly feel it.

c'mon bro! don't be a twat! it happens to everybody all the time! just move 1/4 inch in the same spot and try it again. Go deep, aspirate, then push slowly.
what everyone else says. or ..... you could slam your dick in a drawer and then then do your injection, you wont even give the injection a second thought...I prefer quads, outer 1/3 about center between knee and pelvis. good luck bro.

HAHAHA....I say wash the sand outta your vag and give delts a go :biggrin:
here a tip after drawing hold the pin at a 45 degree angle allow a drop to run down the pin while rotating the syringe this lubes the pin ,inject into shoulder (delt) you wont hardly feel it.RADAR

Just what i use to do,and it works great. You could do it oyvin:D
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