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this pisses me off


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The Public School Board will terminate the contract of a local high school teacher and is recommending the Teachers' Federation cancel his teaching certificate.

**** , chairperson of the board, said trustees passed a motion at an earlier meeting to end the teacher's contract because he "failed to relate to students in a manner satisfactory to the board."

At that same meeting last week, a motion was passed that a report be filed with the Teachers' Federation (TF) discipline committee regarding teacher ***** and his "conduct relative to students."

In February, the public school board confirmed that a teacher at ***** Collegiate was reassigned to home while an investigation into allegations against him took place. At the time, the school board said it was working with the TF and the police to look into the allegations.

The board has never revealed the nature of the allegations, although a source has told the Leader-Post the board was investigating an allegation of sexual misconduct. To date, police have not laid any charges.

School trustees discussed the personnel issue in a closed-door committee of the whole meeting, and Hill said the board has given directions that details of the personnel matter not be discussed.

Teachers' Federation general secretary **** said a complaint has been received and it will go before the executive at its meeting at the end of May. "The executive has the authority to order a preliminary investigation or to send it directly to the professional ethics committee," he said.

If the TF doesn't send it straight to the committee, investigators would be appointed to get more information than what was provided by the school board to determine if there is a reasonable basis for believing that whatever happened was unprofessional, *** said. If that was believed to be the case, the matter would then go to the ethics committee for a formal hearing.

"The ethics committee has a range of penalties open to it, including a reprimand, a suspension or a cancellation and all we do is make recommendations to the minister of education with respect to suspending or cancelling certificates," said ****.

The Post could not reach *** for comment. He is reported to have been the assistant football coach and junior boys' basketball coach at the school.

In January, the TF executive recommended a 15-year suspension of another former Regina teacher's teaching certificate. ***, a popular teacher and coach, taught at both *** and *** before being let go in light of allegations he sent sexually explicit e-mails to students.

what ticks me off is that i know the situation and the person who was fired didn't do anything from what we know... we DO know that the accusor is a disturbed young girl. if they haven't laid charges, i don't understand how the board could recommend his license be revoked.

this seems to be yet another example of kids crying about things that didn't happen, and it affecting the life of the accused as a result. even if he were to be found innocent, he'd be shunned and never be able to teach here again anyway. such BS.

it pisses me off too. just because someone makes an accusation, a person is losing hios career over something he cant prove or disprove

whats more sickening is his collegues cant/wont do shit for fear of getting axed themselves


when a 30 yr old canadian woman commits stat. rape on a 15 yr old, she;s allowed to leave scot free, even though she admitted to the sex.

if you can;t prove something, you shouldnt be able to convict upon it. i hope your teacher friend thakles the school authority to court and gets all the $$$ he can, they deserve it
In a profession such as teaching, all it takes is for someone to point a finger. IF this man is cleared, he will have a stigma for the rest of his teaching career.

I think in situations like this, the "general public" should not be made aware until all facts, and acusations have been made and cleared.
gymrat123 said:
In a profession such as teaching, all it takes is for someone to point a finger. IF this man is cleared, he will have a stigma for the rest of his teaching career.

I think in situations like this, the "general public" should not be made aware until all facts, and acusations have been made and cleared.

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