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sustanon and EQ cycle


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Thinking of a 15 weeker of this cycle... at 500 eq and 500 sustanon... wud nolvadex or clomid be better for pct
first cycle?

500 sust/week
300-400 EQ/week

you dont need so much EQ if your going to stack it with 500mg of sust per week
you will not necessarily need nolva for this (depends on your body) but clomid yes
Looks fine, make sure to pin the sust e3d or eod, not 2x a week. Drop the eq at week 14 and run clomid 50-50-50-50 and nolva 20x6 weeks for pct. Don't forget your HCG from week 2 up til pct.
The main reason that aromatase inhibitors (AIs) like arimidex, exemestane, and letrozole are avoided during PCT is because they excessively suppress estrogen levels. Realize that when you come off cycle, estrogen levels are already low (it's a derivative of testosterone which is low). If you take an AI, you're going suppress what little estrogen there is and drive it into the ground. That's not good for a number of reasons.

Estrogen plays beneficial roles in male health. Among other things, it has positive effects on blood lipids (cholesterol levels), bone density, glucose utilization, GH and IGF-1 production, and androgen receptor activation. Excessive reductions in estrogen have been known to produce lethargy and impair libido. The doctor and steroid expert Swale (John Crisler) argues that an AI "ABSOLUTELY should not be used post cycle (even though it has been shown to increase LH production) because the risk of driving estrogen too low, and therefore further damaging an already compromised Lipid Profile, is too great (this also drives libido back into the ground—and we don’t want that, do we?)." I agree with him.

In contrast to an AI, SERMs like nolva and clomid have selective effects, blocking estrogen where you don't want (such as the HPTA during PCT), while at the same time producing some of the beneficial effects of estrogen (e.g. blood lipids, bone density).

I'd avoid AIs during PCT and stick to a SERM. Nolva, clomid, and toremefine seem to be particularly effective for this purpose, in contrast to raloxifene. There's also evidence that nolva is superior to clomid at blocking estrogen in the pituitary. Also, take hCG during your cycle. That's the number one thing you can do to ensure a speedy recovery, as it treats the rate limiting step for recovery of natural testosterone production (i.e. testicular atrophy and dysfunction).

If you're concerned about safety of nolva and clomid, toremifene is great just by itself in pct. HG toremifene (fareston) is pricey but scientific studies have shown it's safety as well as how effective it is at stimilating the HPTA and blocking estrogen where you don't want it.
yea I was planning on hittin up 250 iu hcg while on twice a week starting week 3 and also doing clomid when I am finished, If i were to throw in some dbol to kick start what would be a good dose and for how long?
Arimidex works well with post cycle when stacked with the other goodies.
a combination of a low dose of an AI with a Serm would be better , less sides from both, for ex: 4 weeks pct : adex 0.5mg/eod + clomid 50mg/ed (u can do adex at 0.5mg/ed for the first week only then switch to eod)
I want to run hcg during my cycle is it better to do 25 iu every other day or 250 iu twice a week? and do I have to split up my sustanon shots cant I just do 500 shot once a week?
The main reason that aromatase inhibitors (AIs) like arimidex, exemestane, and letrozole are avoided during PCT is because they excessively suppress estrogen levels. Realize that when you come off cycle, estrogen levels are already low (it's a derivative of testosterone which is low). If you take an AI, you're going suppress what little estrogen there is and drive it into the ground. That's not good for a number of reasons.

Estrogen plays beneficial roles in male health. Among other things, it has positive effects on blood lipids (cholesterol levels), bone density, glucose utilization, GH and IGF-1 production, and androgen receptor activation. Excessive reductions in estrogen have been known to produce lethargy and impair libido. The doctor and steroid expert Swale (John Crisler) argues that an AI "ABSOLUTELY should not be used post cycle (even though it has been shown to increase LH production) because the risk of driving estrogen too low, and therefore further damaging an already compromised Lipid Profile, is too great (this also drives libido back into the ground—and we don’t want that, do we?)." I agree with him.

In contrast to an AI, SERMs like nolva and clomid have selective effects, blocking estrogen where you don't want (such as the HPTA during PCT), while at the same time producing some of the beneficial effects of estrogen (e.g. blood lipids, bone density).

I'd avoid AIs during PCT and stick to a SERM. Nolva, clomid, and toremefine seem to be particularly effective for this purpose, in contrast to raloxifene. There's also evidence that nolva is superior to clomid at blocking estrogen in the pituitary. Also, take hCG during your cycle. That's the number one thing you can do to ensure a speedy recovery, as it treats the rate limiting step for recovery of natural testosterone production (i.e. testicular atrophy and dysfunction).

If you're concerned about safety of nolva and clomid, toremifene is great just by itself in pct. HG toremifene (fareston) is pricey but scientific studies have shown it's safety as well as how effective it is at stimilating the HPTA and blocking estrogen where you don't want it.

Dude, awesome info here.
Yes I got that thank you, so Im thinking of taking 250iu hcg every 4 days, gona mix up my hcg with bacteriostatic water but how long would it last if i keep it in my fridge? And why is it better to take sustanon shot twice a week?
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