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Oxandrolone for fighters

thanks bro. i eat very clean for years as a life style not only prior fights. besides that im dieting and training very hard, i like to be on the right weight at least 2 weeks before the fight.
im just worry to put mass and be hard to get on the right weight. i don't have much fat to loose im 9% body fat. do you think 30mg var and 0.5cc test EOD will be enough to give a boost ? do you know any serius and safe web site that i can buy some more ? And the pct what do you recomend? Sorry for so many questions, im a black belt in Jiu-jitsu but a white belt in "supplements"
thanks appreciate your guys help

A stern warning here bro, do not ever ask where to buy illegal drugs on this site, alright? Totally not acceptable. Read our forum rules so you do not break them. They are easy to follow, you just need to know them.

This forum is only for discussion of the use of steroids. Any aspect of buying, selling, price, or anything at all is absolutely forbidden. Thanks.

Oh, and if you are wanting to use a solid fight drug, use halo. It boosts strength and aggresion like crazy. For muscle sparing, prop and var is good.
I like it how he only responds to those who encourage him to do what he's been doing.

Classic, and all too predictable.

Meh. Good luck "fighting" during pct.

Sounds like an injury waiting to happen, to me.

I like buffs suggestion of halo.

Bro, you simply shouldn't be "rushing" to cut with AAS right before your fight. Cycling is hard on your body, even when done correctly. Use drugs during a period of time when you focus primarily on re-comp of your body.

Then, keep your damn hormone levels stable for that fight.

And pop a halo just before you get in the cage (if you're not tested)
All good advice. That being said, var is a good choice becaus eit increaes strength but doesn;t add much weight. But you must stop a few weeks before being tested. test isn;t a good idea. Taking methyl test the DAY of the fight is good because it'll increase aggression. Even a stack of Beastdrol and ZIP will do that.
If it's an amatuer fight he wont be tested! Most pro's don't get tested either! Unless of coarse you're in Cali or Navada. Been involved in the fight game for 15 years. Let me be as clear as possible about this: MMA is bar none the sport w/ the most amount of gear use. Period. To think otherwise would be nieve @ best!

Many ppl use gear for far more then gaining weight. We have 145 er's at our gym that bench over 300lbs.

Here's a TRUE story for you.. A friend from another gym has 8 pro fights and is 7-1. While he has great technique both standing and on the ground, he wins most of his fights by via judges. He is not a very muscular person, and isn't super flashy. But good none the less. He was told by one of Canada's biggest promoters to "take a couple of cycles, get a tan and shave his chest" or will not be fighting on this promoters cards again. Sounds funny sure, however this is NOT out of the norm @ all.
If it's an amatuer fight he wont be tested! Most pro's don't get tested either! Unless of coarse you're in Cali or Navada. Been involved in the fight game for 15 years. Let me be as clear as possible about this: MMA is bar none the sport w/ the most amount of gear use. Period. To think otherwise would be nieve @ best!

Many ppl use gear for far more then gaining weight. We have 145 er's at our gym that bench over 300lbs.

Here's a TRUE story for you.. A friend from another gym has 8 pro fights and is 7-1. While he has great technique both standing and on the ground, he wins most of his fights by via judges. He is not a very muscular person, and isn't super flashy. But good none the less. He was told by one of Canada's biggest promoters to "take a couple of cycles, get a tan and shave his chest" or will not be fighting on this promoters cards again. Sounds funny sure, however this is NOT out of the norm @ all.

I don't really follow UFC although I think it's great and hopefully I have the time to watch it. One thing I noticed any time I turn it on is that almost every fighter is JACKED. They don't have natural looking bodies and to have the muscle mass at the low bodyfat that they do means steroids to me. I don't like to point fingers or automatically jump to the conclusion of AAS, but my honest oppinion is that a good amount of those fighters are using or have used anabolic steroids and/or hgh.
If it's an amatuer fight he wont be tested! Most pro's don't get tested either! Unless of coarse you're in Cali or Navada. Been involved in the fight game for 15 years. Let me be as clear as possible about this: MMA is bar none the sport w/ the most amount of gear use. Period. To think otherwise would be nieve @ best!

Many ppl use gear for far more then gaining weight. We have 145 er's at our gym that bench over 300lbs.

Here's a TRUE story for you.. A friend from another gym has 8 pro fights and is 7-1. While he has great technique both standing and on the ground, he wins most of his fights by via judges. He is not a very muscular person, and isn't super flashy. But good none the less. He was told by one of Canada's biggest promoters to "take a couple of cycles, get a tan and shave his chest" or will not be fighting on this promoters cards again. Sounds funny sure, however this is NOT out of the norm @ all.

Totally agree this ^^^ MMA is full of performance enhancing drug use
This is just my opinion as a professional MMA fighter for 3 years. Using performance enhancing drugs to compete as a fighter is a bad idea. You should spend your time in the gym working on technique. If you ever make it big you will get tested and busted ie Tim Sylva, Josh Barnett, ... . So why do it now when you would have to give it up later anyway. The fastest route to success in the fight game is balance, be good at standup and the ground game, so put your efforts there. Technique beats power if you learn to use it correctly. Use gear to look good after fighting or to compete in bodybuilding.

I agree 1,000% here, while the added strength may help its not worth tarnishing your name. Technique is everything Royce Gracie proved that. Gear should be used for power lifting and bodybuilding not for mma fighting. Just my thoughts.
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