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Need first cycle help!

Test is test in my opinion if your t400 has propionate in it then run that you'll get a Lil kick in the pants faster.
I would run 500-600mg's a week.
Captain FT, yes it has been identified that I am taking too much. What I was taking was 500 mg a week test E (250mg/ml) and 800 mg a week of test 400 (400mg/ml). I have been taking it for almost a month now. Advice from everyone above is that I was taking too much. I understand that now. So above is all of the gear that I have. 2 x 10 ml bottles of test E, 2 x 10 ml bottles of test 400, 3 x 10 ml of test cyp, 3 x 10ml bottles equipoise

For PCT I have nolva. Since reading this above I have acquired HCGenerate, N2guard, and forma-stanzol. So, before I get flamed out one more time, it has already been identified I am taking too much. Of all of the gear I have what is the recommendation aside from not taking it. I ahve been told Test E for 12 weeks at 500mg a week (pinning 250mg twice a week). As you see I have a lot more gear now than I need. Want to know which would be better to see gains. This last month I have been pinning I have seen substantial gains with no sides so far.

Lastly, I say again, I don't need to be flamed out anymore. I got it! If you have actual sound advice for me then please respond. If not, then don't bother.

Glad you are understanding now. I still don't know what your Test400 is, is it a blend or Test E?
Glad you are understanding now. I still don't know what your Test400 is, is it a blend or Test E?

Of all the research that I have done, I am seeing that it is Propionate,Cypionate & Enanthate. Good for bulking and not cutting which is fine at this point. Plan on cutting after cycling for about 3 months. I have heard enthanate would be OK, but I heard cyp is a bit stronger than E so I figured a combo of them would not be bad in the test 400. I guess after that my question would be for PCT. I have nolva, HCGenerate, N2Guard, and forma stanzol. I plan on using these while on cycle as well. I do not have a lot of availability to get other gear for PCT that easily since I am currently abroad.
Of all the research that I have done, I am seeing that it is Propionate,Cypionate & Enanthate. Good for bulking and not cutting which is fine at this point. Plan on cutting after cycling for about 3 months. I have heard enthanate would be OK, but I heard cyp is a bit stronger than E so I figured a combo of them would not be bad in the test 400. I guess after that my question would be for PCT. I have nolva, HCGenerate, N2Guard, and forma stanzol. I plan on using these while on cycle as well. I do not have a lot of availability to get other gear for PCT that easily since I am currently abroad.

Sorry, but what research did you have to do to find out what your Test400 is? It should be printed on the label of the vial, if its not then you need a new source. I've never seen a blend with enanthate, cyp, and prop (not that it can't be done bit never seen it) its usually enanthate, deca, undeca, and or iso.
Sorry, but what research did you have to do to find out what your Test400 is? It should be printed on the label of the vial, if its not then you need a new source. I've never seen a blend with enanthate, cyp, and prop (not that it can't be done bit never seen it) its usually enanthate, deca, undeca, and or iso.

Internet research - This is what it says:
SHORT DESCRIPTION: Test 400 is a mexican version of Testoviron, but in a lot higher dosage. Usual dosages is one 400 mg per week.

Test 400 is obviously simply a marketing trick for novice bodybuilders. mixture of Eanthate and Cypionate is pointless as they both release at the same time. The dose of 400 mg forced the manufacturer to introduce more alcohol into thy product which results in painful injections. Combined with classic testosterone side effects this is definitely not the best product out there.

Also attached is the pic of the bottles.
Test is test in my opinion if your t400 has propionate in it then run that you'll get a Lil kick in the pants faster.
I would run 500-600mg's a week.

From reading up on it (nothing on the label to indicate) it has 25 milligrams of testosterone propionate, 187 milligrams of testosterone cypionate and 188 milligrams of testosterone enanthate. I have a lot of gear now, just want to make sure I go the correct route.
Any good UGL brand should have the breakdown of what compounds/esters are in their Test 400. I think you're misunderstanding Test 400 as some sort of brand of testosterone. I have several sources that have a "Test 400" and even a "Test 600". The Test400 is just 400mg/ml of enanthate while the Test600 is a blend. You can only fit so many mg/ml of a particular ester into a suspension without it being either the most painful thing you've ever injected or the suspension becomes completely saturated with the ester.

Does the label on the vial mo give a breakdown? Does the site you got it from not give a breakdown mg/ml?
Any good UGL brand should have the breakdown of what compounds/esters are in their Test 400. I think you're misunderstanding Test 400 as some sort of brand of testosterone. I have several sources that have a "Test 400" and even a "Test 600". The Test400 is just 400mg/ml of enanthate while the Test600 is a blend. You can only fit so many mg/ml of a particular ester into a suspension without it being either the most painful thing you've ever injected or the suspension becomes completely saturated with the ester.

Does the label on the vial mo give a breakdown? Does the site you got it from not give a breakdown mg/ml?

The picture I attached shows you the vials with no breakdown. However the website I was looking at said the breakdown is 25 milligrams of testosterone propionate, 187 milligrams of testosterone cypionate and 188 milligrams of testosterone enanthate. Yes it is painful to inject, but I massage the shit out of it and suck it up. I figured from the jumstart injecting something into my delt was not going to be pain free.
I appreciate your reply. I think we all know I have a lot of gear and something is going to get cycled. In your opinion, what would you suggest I pick out of those three? I hear test 400, I hear test E. I was recommended test cyp to switch to before because I was told it would assist in cutting after I bulked for three months. SO I also have HCGenerate, N2guard, and forma. How would you suggest to use these on cycle as well as for PCT? I have Nolva, but a lot have told me to scratch that because it is horrible for PCT. Thoughts?

Who ever told you to switch to test cyp to assist you in cutting is full of BS, Test is test the only difference is the ester, so scratch that idea, Personally i would scratch all the others off and just run either test eth or cyp their structure are almost the same (by exactally one molecue).And theres no need to run an insane amount of compound dosage wise, keep it simple this is your first cycle and your virgin receptors are going to respond nicely to a lower dosage,no need to saturate them to the point where they can't handle it.
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