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Nathan's quote of the week.


Plat Hero
You guys all forgot to mention how these rules don't apply to me, and me alone. Thank you. I'm better than all of you. Write that down.

(this is why I wish he would post more)
One of my favorites:

"Okay, here goes. Remember that these are unbiased opinions. Also, if you don't make the list, don't feel bad, it's only cause you aren't significant enough for me to remember you. Just kidding, but I guarantee that you will never feel so left out as you do when I don't include you in one of my lists. Here she blows:

1. HappyScrappy: I don't much care for your brand of humor. Frankly, you're not funny though obviously I can tell that you think you are. Go home cause nobody likes you.

2. Bullit: Your posts nauseate me so much that I often go into severe convulsions upon reading them. Stick a fork in you cause you, sir, are done, or at the very least you should be.

3. Darktooth: I hate you despite the fact that I believe that you can cook a mean panzerotti. Fuck you somethin' fierce.

4. TheProject: I don't have anything against homosexuals in general, however, you do not represent your people well. In fact, because of you, I now violently attack anyone with a lisp that I come across. I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.

5. Wodin: I want to cram old feces dating back to 1977 down your throat until you stop moving and then kick you in the crotch until I feel both of your testicles pop.

6. SSME: You suck and I wish you a horrible death at the hands of an angry mob of starving ostriches (if they had hands that is). I chose ostriches cause they're prettier than you and their damn pecking at food takes for fucking ever.

7. The Nature Boy: I hope you get the business end of some bellows shoved up your ass and then are pumped so full of air that all your internal ogans explode out your mouth, nose, and ears. I don't care if that isn't even possible either, that's what I want to happen to you. Shut up.

8. bdog527374984048747390: Go fuck yourself bitch. Seriusly, I want to cram your ass full of nuts and then unleash a pack of rabid suirrels upon your exposed anus.

9. Puc: You think you're so fucking cool but in reality you're not even a little bit cool. I hope you get a thin glass rod shoved up your urethra and then shattered by pounding your phallus with a ballpeen hammer. Go to Hell.

10. Fonz: You think you're all that and a bowl of Smarties but you're not. I can expell organisms with more intellect out my ass. I want to punch you in the teeth until your toes bleed. So there.

11. beastboy: I know you like boys and I know you treat them sexually like beasts and I respect that but I still want to cut your extremities off and then glue them back on and watch you slowly develop gangreen and die. Asshole.

As for the rest of you, you can all go fuck yourselves too cause you ain't shit. I'll get to the rest of you after I make a quick visit to the local Pet store and beat me some kittens."
Were it not for that Olsen Twins Banger guy, I think I'd go deeply misundersood here at Elite. Thanks buddy, after doing a little digging of my own I discovered that my avatar is, in fact, from the movie Donnie Darko.
AAP said:
You guys all forgot to mention how these rules don't apply to me, and me alone. Thank you. I'm better than all of you. Write that down.

(this is why I wish he would post more)

I couldn't give you karma for praising me since I have to spread it around first. However, let the record show that there is positively no better reason to dish out karma than for the sole purpose of praising me...or something more eloquent than that that means the same thing. Fuck, you see, sobriety is no good for no one. What the hell is wrong with me? That made crap all did the whole "crap all" part of the previous sentence. I'm rambling but I don't care. I'll take this opportunity to invite you all to go have sex with crustaceans and like it because you know they (the crustaceans) will. Crustaceans are lonely creatures is all I'm saying, if I'm saying anything at all and I don't think that I am. Yep, definitely not. I have to go.
I wish I made a mean hot dog. One that bites the heads off of innocent pedestrians as they siddle past the hot dog vending machine. Fuck yeah!
Nathan said:
I wish I made a mean hot dog. One that bites the heads off of innocent pedestrians as they siddle past the hot dog vending machine. Fuck yeah!

you need to draw that, it would be sweet
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