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Jealousy or What?


New member
I couldn't find an appropriate forum, so posting here.

My problem is guys in the gym who seem to have a problem with me for no apparent reason.

I've noticed that it is always smaller and usually younger guys. Usually they try to do an alpha-male bullyish approach, though this is not always the case.

I've not yet figured this out. Anyone else been there?
I run in to this every now and then. There is this one old fat dude that's always making rude or backhand talk to me. I don't get it either.
Time to go in there and practice your pimp hand out on the guy.

You either have to let him make fun of you alll the time.

Get to be friends with him somehow so he no longer wants to talk trash to you

Of kick the shit out of him so he never wants to mess with you again. - this last one has to be done in a location that won't get you banned from the gym or put in Jail....:evil:

Good luck
just ignore that shit, losers.... having said that i hate people at my gym for stupid reasons, funny looking, they double park, they once were on a machine i wanted, they are bigger than me..... so i'm prob like those guys accept i dont do they alpha male thing i just hate em.
just ignore that shit, losers.... having said that i hate people at my gym for stupid reasons, funny looking, they double park, they once were on a machine i wanted, they are bigger than me..... so i'm prob like those guys accept i dont do they alpha male thing i just hate em.

I just double parked on your machine...what?
I think I ran into this last week.

I was doing barbell bicep curls againts the wall so you cant sway your body only biceps does the work, strict form with 90lbs 2 seconds up squeeze 2 seconds down anyone knows that when done correct with strict form thats a pretty good load on the biceps for a set in the 12 rep range isolating the biceps as much as you can.

This silly fucker comes over grabs some 60lb dumbells get right infront of me and starts slining them around elbows in every directing weight falling back down with no resistance after each so called rep. It looked like someone was electricuting him and his arms were just slining up and down around with no control as his body waved jerking back and forth . Then he drops the weight and looks at me like " I did more then you did " and stomps off.

I was like what the fuck is this guys problem.

he did the same shit over at the squat rack a few days later. I am squating 315 in the rack for reps of 8-10 I like to go down pretty far always below parell just starting a leg work out and almost ready to move on to hamstrings. He comes over loads up 315 on the rack next to me does some 1/4 squat thing I have no idea what it was just looked like he stuck his butt out a few inches and pushed his pelvis forward to finish his rep he maybe went down all of 2-3 inches.

I try to stay away from idiots like those , My ipod is my best friend now adays with all the kooks in the gym .

Just Ignore the guy and try to stay out of the social scene.
Also If you figure only 20% of americans IQ is above average 30% is average and the other 50% is below average.
That means in a gym with 20 guys training 4 are prob above average , 6 are normal and the other 10 are not so bright .Thats alot of idiots walking around not only in the gym but in just the general public to encounter day after day
lol i have never had these problems
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