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How do you control the rage?

i just started my 6th week of my first cycle ever. of test e. and i have already noticed some extra aggresion and irritability & ive been getting pretty pissed off over small dumb shit . i have a pretty bad temper in the first place so that may have something to do with it. im pretty worried i might snap on one of my close friends or girlfriend over some dumb shit if it continues to get more severe. when i start to get pissed off i try telling myself just to chill out but the feeling of "rage" tends to overpower it. even before i was on test. maybe i should start popping xanex or somethin to keep myself mellow lol i dunno
I think that if you are part girl and take aas you will get increased aggressiveness but if you are all man in the first place you will not even notice the difference in your aggression.
I am a very mellow, mild, don't give a shit kind of guy but gimme test, gimme tren or masteron and I am a tear heads off pro bodybuilders...

i just started my 6th week of my first cycle ever. of test e. and i have already noticed some extra aggresion and irritability & ive been getting pretty pissed off over small dumb shit . i have a pretty bad temper in the first place so that may have something to do with it. im pretty worried i might snap on one of my close friends or girlfriend over some dumb shit if it continues to get more severe. when i start to get pissed off i try telling myself just to chill out but the feeling of "rage" tends to overpower it. even before i was on test. maybe i should start popping xanex or somethin to keep myself mellow lol i dunno[/quote

xanex causes irritability also. try the dermacrine and lowering the dose. also remember what is more important to you. dont wait until it is to late. there are people who fuck their lives up with steroids. they put their obsession before their family and lose their family. i know 2 people who did it. they couldnt handle the juice and they didnt communicate with the people in their life. you cant act like an ass hole half of the time and expect people to forgive you.

i also have a temper. my girlfriend and i decided together that i would start running cycles but at her say so i would stop. i also ask her once in a while if every thing is still ok.
roid rage is for weak people........or people with some kind of imbalance... no offence

i have friends that drink 1 beer and go nuts wanting to fight everyone... they obviously have something wrong in there head...

i can do a gram of test and 875mg tren a week and have no urge to yell at anyone... unbless provoked
I am two weeks into an 8 week Sustanon/Tren cycle. I am starting to feel the burn in my brain already and am wondering what if anything is out there to help reduce it. I have cycled plenty and have dealt with the rage quite a few times but figuered I would ask if anyone takes anything that brings calm or a sense of well being to reduce the irritabilty/lack of patience.

AS long as I smack my girl around every couple of weeks my rage usually stays under control.
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