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Help me with my 3`rd cycle


Hi all!

First of all i start out with stats: 34yrs,184 cm,195 lbs and about 13-15% bf. I have been thinking of my third cycle for quite a while now,and my first idea was to run tren in this cycle but now i`m not sure anymore.

First cycle was:
1-11 Test E @ 500mg EW
9-13 Winny@50mgED (tried 75mg but got bad backpumps and lowered it to 50mg ED)

Second cycle was:
1-14 Test E@750mg EW
1-10 Mast E@400mg EW
12-16 Tbol@50mg ED

My second cycle was by far the best of them regarding gains,and i really lost some good amount of BF on that cycle. Also got me a new favorite oral...tbol.
The goals for this upcoming cycle is mass and strenght,and i have a little hope to loose some bodyfat aswell.
On the downside i had a good amount of bacne in my last cycle,and if possible i would appreciate if there is any ideas how to avoid/reduce this in the future. At the time im using Isotretinoin at 40mg ED,and finally my bacne seems to slow down and gradually clearing up(still a long way to go).

Need a little help to decide what compound i am looking for,and hopefully i could get closer to my goals.

You said you were thinking of go for it
tren 75 mg eod
masteron 100mg eod
prop 100mg eod

perfect cycle right there..will be by far ur best cycle
Oops...forgot to mention i only use long esters,or esters that fit a 2 times a week injects regime.

Did you run this cycle yourself Therealdeal06555?
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