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for those that use winny and experience joint problems...

variation said:
I was hoping to run it at 50-100mg/day along with test prop @ 200mg eod

Yes, you might have some slight joint discomfort at 700 mgs/wk of winny, lol.
oh ya.. I figured that I might, so that's why I wanted to know if anyone has employed any methods that have actually worked for the winny associated joing pain... (besides deca).
Dude, at 100mg ED you WILL feel joint pain unless you're like 18 or something. Also, have you ever done Prop before? Because if this is your first time, 200mg EOD might give you the Prop flu. I got it at 100mg EOD.

Yes the Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM combo helped. BUT, the Deca was even more effective.
Problem with deca, for some, it is just to suppressive so post cycle is hell.

I have heard that EQ can help with winny associated joint pain but I have not personal experience with using it with winny. I never will.

Winny is just too hard on the joints for me.

It has alot to do with age but I have talked with younger guys that also have problems with joint pain due to winny.
alright, thanks for the suggestions and reassurance, it's just so much that I did not want to add another compound. but rather some supplements I could just go pick up at the pharmacy.. thanks.
variation said:
alright, thanks for the suggestions and reassurance, it's just so much that I did not want to add another compound. but rather some supplements I could just go pick up at the pharmacy.. thanks.

Glucosamine, MSM

QFS use to make an injectable Glucosamine product not sure if they do anymore.
I am an athlete on winny and my boyfriend told me I was crazy for not taking Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM combo while running this cycle. I just started taking it about a week ago when I began to experience some knee pain.
I know this is going to sound rediculously low tech, but take the absolute max dosage you can handle of Ginger root extract along with that Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM combo.

Ginger is one of natures great NSAIDs, I have chronic chondromalacia and Plica Syndrome from years of football, and the combo above has changed my life. no shit.
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