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Deca-Test-Dbol Stack "Timing" ???


New member
In the past when I've stacked, I always just start them all the first day and usually start to feel the first signs of kicking in at the end of week two.


Is there any way to optimize the effect of each particular A.S. type by starting them at different times. (ie, starting the one's that act fastest first and then phase into the slower acting one's once the body has already started responding to the faster acting A.S.)?

Or is it just better to start them all at once?
houseofpain said:
In the past when I've stacked, I always just start them all the first day and usually start to feel the first signs of kicking in at the end of week two.


Is there any way to optimize the effect of each particular A.S. type by starting them at different times. (ie, starting the one's that act fastest first and then phase into the slower acting one's once the body has already started responding to the faster acting A.S.)?

Or is it just better to start them all at once?

I usually just pounce on it all at once. Most people take d-bol for 4-6 weeks so by the time your done with the d-bol, the deca and test are already kickin
*good timing if you start it all at once.

*bad timing if you don't start the deca/test the same day as the pills. opinion:)

Im on that same stack right now....dbol/deca/test-e
Weeks 1 - 4/6 30mg/day dbol
Weeks 1 - 12 500mg/week test enan
Weeks 1 - 10 300 - 400mg week deca/npp
Weeks 8 - 12 50mg/day winny

This cycle is YUMMY! ;)
I've found that frontloading AND an oral kickstart get things going pretty quickly. Double up the deca and test doses the first week, and keep the dbol intake steady for 4 weeks, and you will see some good results.
I usually wont start a cycle with dbol. I've run dbol in every way possible and I just seem to get the best results from it when I use it mid cycle. But I'll add in some other stuff for the 1st few weeks to get things rolling. Its a bit unorthadox, but it works for me.
NPP/Prop/dbol is the way to do it. From start to finish. Starts quick, works hard, you dont need to run it for 10wks.

My cycle is similar to this, but looks more like this.

NPP: 200mg e3d
Xtra Strength Var: 45mg Var / 15mg Dbol

Day1: 500mg of Sust
Day7 and 14: 250mg of Sust.

Xtra Strength Var (lol ... thats just what I call it, is 45mg of Var + 15mg of dbol). Its var with a little "extra kick" from the dbol lol. I am only running them together becuase I have them both. First week is only dbol at 25mg/day as well. I am only 1 wk in, and already noticing the NPP + Dbol together. This is how I like to do it, with the faster acting gear, but I am sure you are like most people and like to run your cycles longer. I am not going to run anymore cycles longer than 5-6 wks. This is the time frame when I gain the most weight, and dont really want to stay surpressed for another 6 wks to gain an extra 4lbs. If I can add 15lbs in 6wks, that is good for me. End it and recover. But you do need fast gear like NPP instead of Deca to do it like this. I also train full body twice a week this way too.

Just my opinion. Hit the fast acting versions of the gear. More pokes suck, but in my situation I am only "on" for half the time.

Good luck,
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