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Cottage Cheese De-appreciation thread!!!

is too much cotttage cheese bad lol i realized that eating cottage cheese is easiest way to get lots of protein
i get the onew ith low fat n 15g protein per 125g
just bought a small tub of cottage cheese and thought of this I typically buy whatever seems to be the most generic, but this time I purchased a 2% version...How's it different?...personally I think its less "soupy" than the watery version with curds..Its almost a chunky pudding with a dry after taste. Didn't really like it. I'd recommend sticking with the standard version..It may be a bit watery, but stirs up well and goes down easier. Anyone ever add chocolate powder to it? If you can make a chocolate cheesecake, why not flavor this stuff up?
You can definitely flavor cottage cheese, though I admit I haven't been particularly adventurous. Would be interested to hear/try others' recommendations.

I've tried the pb/cc mix... choked it down, but didn't enjoy it much. May have had too much peanut butter. Pepper is good; pepper with a little cayenne is even better.

Other good combos are peaches, granola, blueberries, strawberries, pears, mandarin oranges.

Not recommended: raspberries. Trust me on this one.
1-2 a week, i hit a tub of chunky low fat cottage cheese and add a tablespoon of natural peanut butter just before bed , as a change from a whey shake with oil
2 cups CC
4 tbls. natural PB
100ml Water
2 scoops chocolate whey
Blend well.

I make this and divid it into 3 containers and put them in the fridge. The next night it is kindof like mousse. I eat it right before bed everynight.
Really tasty!
Cottage cheese is great with eggs. It's also very good with peas. Different brands will have completely different textures. The only con of cottage cheese is the ridiculous amount of sodium.
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