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anybody have a jealous boy/girl friend?

There is ZERO room for jealousy in a committed relationship.... or any relationship for that matter. My ex was EXTREMELY jealous, though he NEVER had a reason to be. I only had eyes for him and our children, never let a day passw without TELLING and SHOWING him how much I loved him and how lucky I was for having him in my life for THIRTEEN YEARS.... well, that was up until a little over a year ago. We are nearly divorced (Thank God).

It is very sad that a man (or woman) would let his/her silly insecurities ruin such a strong and committed relationship. But I have to be honest. It wasn't all his fault. If I had not tolerated his jealous behavior from the word go he would have either A) changed or B)we would never have gotten serious.

I have a wonderful friend now that is sooooooo UNJEALOUS it boggles my mind! hehehehhehee I mean, he treats and views me the way that I do him: if there is someone out there that treats you kindly and that you love and loves you back then be with him/her.... because we only want what will make the other happiest. If it will be us then that is wonderful..... if not then we will remain wonderful friends at the very least so it will be all good.

I want a man to be with me not out of obligation but because I am who he truly wants - PERIOD.
I don't think that jealous people usually change. I like it when a guy it protective of me and care what happens to me, but not when they're jealous/paranoid/accusatory.

I just got out of a 2 year relationship that was like this. I was 200% loyal. I gave him and "us" everything I had. He would have such a fit if I had a couple of drinks with coworkers after work, went to dinner with my sister, or just about anything I tried to do without him. If I went out, it wasn't even fun because I'd come home to him accusing me of doing things that I would NEVER do. I hate to even admit this, but I went out with my friends (without him) maybe 5 times in 2 wasn't worth the ugliness when I got hom.

It got really out of hand when I started working out a lot-- and started working with my trainer. He seemed to think that me going to work out sounded like I was saying I was going out to whore my body on a corner. It wasn't worth the fighting. It was really hard, but I chose to leave.

Ultimately, people who are jealous like that are incescure about themselves and just project that negativity onto their partner. I suppose they're only justified if their partner has a history of which case, they knew what they were getting into. Do what's best for you but know you can't change another person.
I had a Jealous GF just like yours. We always got into arguements because she would get so jealous of my female friends. Females that I have been friends with for years but she always thought I was messing around with them. Finally I got it through her thick fucking head that kind of jealousy is not healthy for the relationship. We broke up and now she realizes how she fucked up.

I think your girl may have trust issues with you. You need to explain to her that there is no reason for her to be so jealous of other girls all the time and that being that jealous will only drive you away from the relationship.

Nothing pisses me off more than someone that is jealous like the way you have described and I know it bothers you alot.

If she doesn't change. You could be going down a very rocky road.
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