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15 weeks Test E , First cycle.

That is how you do it.

Just remember, the more Test you use, the more potential there is for conversion estrogen. So you may have to adjust your adex dosage once you up the Test. Nothing to extreme. You should get a good feel for how prone you are to estrogen related sides pretty quick.

Awesome. Cheers dude i will keep on track with Adex and keep check on body.

Thanks for all the knowledge bro. :D
I am sure there will be more people to chime in with their advice, and many will disagree with what I just said. So wait to here them out before you set anything in stone.
These guys are spot on about going to 12 weeks max for this cycle. I agree with that.

Nolva, Clomid, and aromasin are fine for PCT. However, I strongly recommend adding Test Stack to it for recovery. It has 12 ingredients for boosting test naturally. This is important because the SERMS only provide a temporary effect, and this booster will sustain your levels so you don't crash when you come off of them. You can get it here ---->
You could be 6'5" by the time you are 25, so why don't you wait, you are still too young in my opinion.

I highly doubt that man lol , im not growing much per year in terms of height and i want to start gear now so by the time i am 26 i can have a decent physique for my own personal business reasons
I highly doubt that man lol , im not growing much per year in terms of height and i want to start gear now so by the time i am 26 i can have a decent physique for my own personal business reasons
This isn't a sprint bro. It's a marathon. Steroids aren't magic and trying to rush to the finish line with them is wreckless and abusive
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