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  1. R

    Will not go wrong with puritysourcelabs

    I’m hoping you guys can give me some kudos on my PSL results Just finished using their tbol Clen Test prop Mast prop The products are quality. Only used 60mcg of clen and light dosages of the test and mast. Didn’t need much. I was leaning out extremely quickly on this stack within the first two...
  2. F

    bigger and harder domestic supply

    i decided to try a bulking steroid stack this time. this is the first time I have actually used deca and dbol together in the same cycle. although I've used them separately and had good results using them together and then stacking in some anavar and proviron was been amazing. I'm getting good...
  3. Y

    puritysourcelabs is a place you can trust

    I've learned a long time ago to never make large orders with sources because you never know when they may go bad. However with PSL i have the utmost confidence that I will never have an issue with them. since I am planning on competing it's going to be necessary for me to make large steroid...
  4. N

    only 2 weeks into puritysourcelabs cycle

    very early on my cycle but i am Noticing some results already. I am an absolute monster in the gym and I'm throwing around weights like a gorilla. I'm also very surprised at the low amount of side effects considering I am doing a tren run with deca. I’m really enjoying this cycle. early on, but...
  5. G

    Napsgear makes me so glad i used them

    After getting screwed over so many prior times using other sources Having my money stolen, shipping problems, getting my products really late, mixing up my products with other Packages Etc it's a breath or fresh air to be using napsgear They have always gotten everything done correctly with zero...
  6. S

    Which puritysourcelabs testosterone to pick?

    They have too many options at PSL site Looking for one that is good for someone scared of needles and that won’t require me to pin very often and feel it, also the one that will give me most bang for the buck Here is the list i am seeing Test prop Sustanon 250 and sust 350 Test Phenyl propionate...
  7. T

    best feel good stack ever geneza pharma

    decided to do the old school classic bulking cycle of test, deca and dbol. Cannot go wrong with these 3 together. My mood is awesome on it. I jump out of bed in the morning and cannot wait to get to the gym. Also my appetite is crazy good. highly recommend this cycle. ordering is easy got it all...
  8. F

    Rocking hard with geneza pharma

    What a great source geneza pharma Did 2 weeks of dianabol and tbol together 20mgs of each per day Nice little oral cycle. I’ve got 4 weeks left on it Already some amazing pumps and hardness on my frame. When i train my arms i walk out of there feeling like a machine with so much confidence. I...
  9. F

    Married to domestic supply

    Don’t use any other source until you have tried domestic supply They rock bigtime Greg took care of me. I was in a rush to get on letro and nolvadex after a bout of gyno i started to get. My fault for not using an AI, i knew I shouldn't have listened to that guy on social media who said not to...
  10. J

    Puritysourcelabs payment, order, and shipment A+

    Gotta give puritysourcelabs straight A’s for all their great service At first I was worried about using an online Source since they can easily just take your money and run. but these guys are honest and they made things easy. payment is very simple and when you order your product they send you...
  11. A

    First experience with domestic supply

    this was my first experience with these guys. I was recommended to them and I decided to grab some of their testosterone and also some of their equipoise Did 3 vials of each and did a long 16 week cycle ended up putting on around 8 lb of muscle Also my body fat stayed the same so overall was a...
  12. G

    PuritySourceLabs Puritysourcelabs testosterone sales and choices

    I'm checking the website and right now puritysourcelabs PSL has a good discount for Euro pharmacies gear They have 200mgs/ml 10ml vial test cypionate And they have 250mgs/ml 10ml vial test enanthate I'm not quite sure which one I should pick. can you please help me? whichever one is going to...
  13. L

    Switched to domestic supply last minute

    My brother did an order through a source out of China and he used Western union. he was going there to send the money off and the cashier at the drugstore convinced him not to do it. I'm so glad he changed his mind because we both decided to go with domestic Supply instead They make things so...
  14. G

    Geneza pharma boxed steroids

    Greetings all, i’m looking for geneza pharma products that come in boxes and not in vials or amps basically I live with my in-laws and my wife and they have a habit of opening up my mail by mistake. they are kind of old and don't really know what they're doing. anyway if they open it up and see...
  15. V

    A-rated puritysourcelabs

    have to give PSL high marks, they are an excellent source. I decided to do a cutting cycle this time. this is the first time I have ever cut down like this with steroids. have to say that I'm thoroughly impressed with the results that I'm getting. body fat shedding down like crazy and I'm...
  16. K

    huge geneza pharma cycle

    GP has been amazing with their level of service and products so far. I decided to give them a huge order to see what would happen. It all arrived pretty quick and i was pleased with the cycle overall. best of the best. ordering was easy happy with my order. delivery was fast they split my large...
  17. K

    Napsgear Napsgear has the best prices after discounts

    Have to say that napsgear prices are amazing I was able to take advantage of their 50% sale on deca and tren they had Now i am gonna run both and i saved a fortune. I’m gonna be doing 400mgs of each per week its gonna be my biggest and most aggressive cycle i have ever done. I’m very excited to...
  18. K

    won’t go wrong with napsgear

    Was able to get a really good price taking advantage of the weekly sales over at napsgear. I put together my biggest cycle ever. the beautiful part of this is the side effects are not that bad even on the stack in my results have been outstanding. affordable steroid cycle large. they have...
  19. R

    Domestic supply testosterone perfection

    I was looking to take testosterone that my body could handle and not get crazy side effects and not get gynecomastia and water retention This testosterone i got from them was perfect. It was their test cyp and i got 250mgs per 1ML so it lasted me a full 10 weeks at that dosage. didn't have any...
  20. A

    My 2nd domestic supply cycle

    Just finished my 2nd cycle with domestic supply and it went even better then the first I ran testosterone and I did some deca durabolin with it. my dosing was 250 mg of each per week and then I added in some proviron to finish it my libido was incredible this entire cycle and I felt amazing. was...
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