Haha, BA lets see what you look like. Post em up. I've got my pics all over the board.
Sydney, its doable. I was over 30% bodyfat when I started training, and did my first show a year later at 4%. Its a matter of how much research you are willing to do, and how hard you work for it, but I know for a fact that you are capable of doing it. Don't allow anyone to tell you otherwise.
im not sure if this was posted here or not, but this is a nice little tool to find out your bf% with only a tape measure. just register and you can enter all the information, and continuously input your measurements over time to see your progress.
i just did it last night and sadly, im 30% bf, (i thought i hovered only 20%, go figure) but i have never worked out before, until this week. it says i have lean body mass of 167lbs, and 72lbs fat mass. As i have already lost alot of weight, another 40-50lbs of fat of my body would put me in the spot i want to be. this might not be dead on balls accurate, but its a start point if you dont have access to a professional to check. It will still give you some motivation to continue or start your new workout as its done for me. good luck to you all trying to lose weight!!
i'm at around 6-7% right now, i have a waist size of 26"...finding pants (and belt, in which i had to make new holes by myself) is a trouble...gogo Abercrombie!