You have used it ??!!
I'm wondering if this and N2Burn (which I'm currently using) is better doing the fasted state because of the higher levels of yohimbe?
Wolfpack gets the pilot samples every-time something new comes out. So does Dylan and other guys here... We don't put out products without testing them on ourselves first. When guys here say htey like a product is because they have used it... We do our best to get products in the hands of testers first and have the same guys who tested and helped with R&D be here to answer questions from guys who are just seeing the product for the first time. I thought this was a good service to the customers, but it seem some guys misinterpret it.
As far as your question about the product.
Exercising in a fasted state is already a pretty "serious" practice reserved for guys who want extreme and fast results. Adding supplement on an empty stomach is kicking it up another notch as well....
It depend on your goals and how long you have to get there and where you are at right now. In any event, I think pretty much every fat burner outhere works better when the user does fasted cardio, and yes it works well for Yohimbe...
In the case of YohimFlame, if you are applying the product hitting the fat cells and basically signaling them to flood your bloodstream with their stored energy, then you better use that energy up right? - If you don't then this "energy" will eventually find itself being stored again at some point down the chain. If you apply YohimFlame and continue to eat at a surplus, and not train, then the energy that YohimFlame frees up from fat cells, will only enter the system with other available energy (from food?) and again, with a caloric surplus, it will need to get stored again in the fat cells... Applying YohimFlame in the morning on a fasted state and then hitting up the cardio right away, will really give that energy somewhere to go. When the the fat cells in the targeted areas get fooled into dumping their stored energy into your blood system, you then can burn it when the cardio starts to demand calories to input to the muscles for locomotion.