If you don't feel any discomfort,why take away the Y?
The reason people talk about an increased risk associated with ECY is because of the cardiac load increase...but since your able to handle it,I dont think its a problem.
I think its a peronal thing. Since everyone can handle only a certain amount of cardiac stress. Some people who don't even use supplements already experience alot of cardiac stress and those people shouldn't be using EC(unless if they want to commit suicide). Then theres some people who feel in the normal to almost feeling tension range and those people will probably be able to handle an EC, but you add the Y and there into the dangerous zone. Then some people with already average or below average tension will take EC and its no problem,and then add Y and still no problem. So I think its just a personal thing. I'm not saying that if the people who have tension use EC its automatic death, I'm sure alot of them can still use it with no problems ,but some may not be able too, I wonder even if those people use it if they stick to a low dose what will happen,maybe it would be ok, I don't know.