Me and Adus10 had a good workout yesterday. Since im not dieting for the contest anymore my lifts are starting to go up, which intern makes him raise his weights to stay stronger than me.
Rounded back deadlifts off of a 18inch pins.
405x8 for 1 set. PR
315x20 for 1 set ( off about a 21 inch pins) PR
incline bench press (pinky on the ring.)
165 for 20. PR
DB Pullovers ( cross bench)
100lb db x 8
50lb db x 20. PR
DB Military press ( i keep my palms facing each other, like on the log press.)
85's x 6 PR
45's x 20 PR
Seated Overhead Elbow Out Extensions
45's x 7 PR (first time doing them)
25's x 20.
That was it, but man am i sore today. after all the pr's i felt good so i wanted to post. i dont know if Adaus10 will see this so i will post his numbers.
Partial dealift of a 21 inch pins.
600 x 8
365 x 8 (its a pr but he only did it because i use the same weight he did in the last workout)
incline bench
250 x 7 (pr i think)
165 x 20 (pr)
db pullover
125 x 8
75 x 20
db press
75's x 7
40's x 20.
overhead ext
105 x 5
65 x 20
he was strong despite his diet of chicken and veggies, he is starting to look good for the contest, but suprisingly, hasnt lost that much strength.
Rounded back deadlifts off of a 18inch pins.
405x8 for 1 set. PR
315x20 for 1 set ( off about a 21 inch pins) PR
incline bench press (pinky on the ring.)
165 for 20. PR
DB Pullovers ( cross bench)
100lb db x 8
50lb db x 20. PR
DB Military press ( i keep my palms facing each other, like on the log press.)
85's x 6 PR
45's x 20 PR
Seated Overhead Elbow Out Extensions
45's x 7 PR (first time doing them)
25's x 20.
That was it, but man am i sore today. after all the pr's i felt good so i wanted to post. i dont know if Adaus10 will see this so i will post his numbers.
Partial dealift of a 21 inch pins.
600 x 8
365 x 8 (its a pr but he only did it because i use the same weight he did in the last workout)
incline bench
250 x 7 (pr i think)
165 x 20 (pr)
db pullover
125 x 8
75 x 20
db press
75's x 7
40's x 20.
overhead ext
105 x 5
65 x 20
he was strong despite his diet of chicken and veggies, he is starting to look good for the contest, but suprisingly, hasnt lost that much strength.