Welsh power house
New member
ever been in a ring before? liek any 'sport' you cant just jump to the top. Angle spent a year or two in a development federation before making his wwf entance and the guy has been wrestling his whole life, was already a world class athlete and has a great natural charactor.
there are so many amazing wrestlers who are huge and amazing in the ring, but dont have 'IT'.....the wwe is a business, no like indys that do it for the love (and money)..thier intention is employing names that make money.
Goldberg, Austin, The Rock, Hogan, Bret, Shawn, Macho man, Flair, HHH, Nash, Taker, Brock, Angle, Stiener, Ultimate warrior.. ect...are all there not only because they have vast experience and most have been in the business since they were in their teens......they also attract attention, controversy and ultermatly, money for the company.
90% of the recent signings (last 2-3 years) have been from ECW (tazz, rhino, rvd, tagiri, steven richards, lance storm, tommy dreamer, paul heyman, dudleys ect)....ecw no longer exists.....WCW (nash, hall, golberg, booker t, steiner, bagwell, benoit, eddy & charvo, melenko, perry saturn, billy kidman, chuck pulumbo, mysterio, eric bishoff, ric flair, hurrican, william regal)....wcw no longer exists...how many indipendants make it?
Its such a HUGE business now with what the wwe has become that apart from tough enough and 1 or 2 % of indys who strick it lucky with conections or are already a huge name......ie if tyson decided to wrestle....would be snapped up by vince.
I know this is a blunt and harsh reality but its always good to know what you are getting yourself into.
If you have the desire and determination, along with the look, build, and natural athletic ability as well as the vocal and entertainment skills needed for interviews and mic work then more power to you.
One question, why do you want to get into wrestling?
no time for family, life ont he road, resorting to countless drugs to get through a very tough the physical and mental pain of what they do, very short carreer with often little outcome moneywise.
There is no money in wrestling apart from wwe or japan.
No offense, but anyone who has never wrestled before has the same chance of making any other it in porfessional sport they have never tried before.
there are so many amazing wrestlers who are huge and amazing in the ring, but dont have 'IT'.....the wwe is a business, no like indys that do it for the love (and money)..thier intention is employing names that make money.
Goldberg, Austin, The Rock, Hogan, Bret, Shawn, Macho man, Flair, HHH, Nash, Taker, Brock, Angle, Stiener, Ultimate warrior.. ect...are all there not only because they have vast experience and most have been in the business since they were in their teens......they also attract attention, controversy and ultermatly, money for the company.
90% of the recent signings (last 2-3 years) have been from ECW (tazz, rhino, rvd, tagiri, steven richards, lance storm, tommy dreamer, paul heyman, dudleys ect)....ecw no longer exists.....WCW (nash, hall, golberg, booker t, steiner, bagwell, benoit, eddy & charvo, melenko, perry saturn, billy kidman, chuck pulumbo, mysterio, eric bishoff, ric flair, hurrican, william regal)....wcw no longer exists...how many indipendants make it?
Its such a HUGE business now with what the wwe has become that apart from tough enough and 1 or 2 % of indys who strick it lucky with conections or are already a huge name......ie if tyson decided to wrestle....would be snapped up by vince.
I know this is a blunt and harsh reality but its always good to know what you are getting yourself into.
If you have the desire and determination, along with the look, build, and natural athletic ability as well as the vocal and entertainment skills needed for interviews and mic work then more power to you.
One question, why do you want to get into wrestling?
no time for family, life ont he road, resorting to countless drugs to get through a very tough the physical and mental pain of what they do, very short carreer with often little outcome moneywise.
There is no money in wrestling apart from wwe or japan.
No offense, but anyone who has never wrestled before has the same chance of making any other it in porfessional sport they have never tried before.
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