None of Protein Factory's powders contain Potassium???!!!! WTF!!! Why the hell would I use proteins that have no potassium whatsoever!? I currently use Isopure protein that contains 750mg's of Potassium per serving. How can I go from 750 to about ony 50mg's!?!?!!! Have any of you ever been on no Potassium whatsoever for a few days?!!! Let me tell you ...but it is pure HELL!!! You get all soft, weak, headache, nauseas, dizzy, irratable, dry eyes, confussion and many many more bad stuff!!! Plus their prices are outrageous! Give me one good reason to use their protein. Oh Oh...I know what ya'll going to say. Just take Potassium caps right? Why should I?! My protein already contains tons of it. Why go spend extra money on Potassium when it already comes with MY PROTEIN.