I do speedwork, and I don't usually do flat bench work as my ME move, just week 1 and 6 I did to compare. Um, ill post what my workouts looked like for a couple weeks. And yes, I do bench raw. I was thinking About adding some kind of direct chest exercises as well.
Week 4 - current weakness bench = inch off lat/bar speed box squat = form/explosivness
Monday (ME squat)
Goodmorning: work up to one rep max.
Box Squats 3 sets, 3 reps, 3 min rest
Reverse Hypers 3sets 10 reps, 2 min rest(I don’t have weights to do these though so i just use bands, but I don’t really like the feeling and I dont think these are doing much without weights)
Abs 4-6sets of various exercises
Tuesday(DE bench)
Bench Press: 8 sets of 3 reps 55% of 1RM pause at bottom 1 min rest using 3 grips
Supported Incline Barbell Lat Row 3sets 3 reps 2 min rest
Lat Pull Down(bench plane) w/ blue band 3sets, 5 reps, 2 min rest
JM Press 5 sets, 3 reps + 2Negatives 2 min rest
Hang Snatch 3sets, 3 reps, 2 min rest
Thursday(DE squat)
Box Squat: 8 sets 2 reps 65% of 1RM 1 min rest
( “)Low Box Squat 3 sets 3reps + drop set(3drops), 3 min rest
RDL + calf raise 3sets 3rep, 2 min rest
Glute Ham Raise 3 sets 4 reps, 1 min rest
Abs, 4 -6sets
Friday(ME bench)
1 Board Press: work up to one rep max
Barbell Row 5 sets 3 reps, 2 min rest / superset / Close supinated Pull Ups ME
Speed Seated Overhead Press (50% 1RM..estimate) 6 sets 2 reps, 1 min rest
Close Grip Pin Press (few inches above chest) 5 sets 3reps, 2 min rest
usually I dont do negatives/drop sets/ supersets this much at all(infact i rarely do them), but this was right before my week off so I just threw them in
Week 6 - current weakness bench = inch off lat/bar speed box squat = form/explosivness
Monday (ME squat)
(38 “) Suspended Goodmorning: work up to one rep max.
(6”)Low Box Squats 3 sets, 2 reps, 3 min rest
Pull Throughs 2sets 10 reps, 2 min rest
Glute ham raise 2 sets 6 reps, 2 min rest
Abs 4-6sets
Grip work - plate pinch
Tuesday(DE bench)
Bench Press: 8 sets of 3 reps 40% of 1RM + minis pause at bottom 1 min rest using 3 grips
Supported Incline Dumbbell Row 3sets 8 reps 2 min rest
Lat Pull Down(bench plane) 3sets, 5 reps, 2 min rest
Incline Close Grip Bench Press 4 sets, 3 reps 2 min rest
Clean 3sets, 3 reps, 2 min rest
Plyos - 5 sets total
Thursday(DE squat)
Box Squat: 8 sets 2 reps 70% of 1RM 1 min rest
Dimel Deadlift + calf raise 2sets 10rep, 2 min rest
Glute Ham Raise 4 sets 6 reps, 2 min rest
Abs, 4 -6sets
Plyos - 8 sets total
Friday(ME bench)
Bench Press: work up to one rep max
Pull ups 2(Wide/out) 2(Medium/out) 1(close/in) 5 sets x reps, 2 min rest
Seated Overhead Press 5 sets 2 reps, 2 min rest
Supported Tricep kickback 5 sets 8reps, 2 min rest
Grip Work - Board Walking
Previous to week 4 i always did speed benching without a pause at the bottom, but i’ve been trying the pause lately to see if that will help me with my bottom sticking point, and I think it has.
Ok there is my stuff. Now, whats wrong!?!?!