I fully expect you to sensationalize everything that is bad in order to push your agenda
did you just write "push my agenda"?? oh please enlighten me you simpleton.
while ignoring the fact that people in other countries dont even have access to the vitamins and minerals that are required for proper growth and as cofactors for the most basic of metabolic reactions out bodies require to sustain themselves.
and I wasn't talking about people who don't eat period you simpleton, I was talking about asian diets where meat is something they have once in a while....not every fucking day. Of course I wasn't talking about people who aren't eating anything at all........fuck you're a dolt.
The truth of the fact is, you dont have to eat anything you dont want to. Nobody's forcing it into your mouth. And the fact that you live in the western world means you have it A LOT better than the people in Africa, Asia, etc etc. Stop being a whiney little bitch. If you dont want to eat beef, don't fucking eat it. Is it that fucking difficult?
FYI, I was eating meat "maybe" once or twice every few months before I learned about this. I had given up meat already.
As you were.....
You dont see kids running around here looking like this. There's a reason for that.
These kids arent fat b/c they eat a lot of TTT beef. That's not even fat....
no you're right, our kids look like this.........
All of the above images are due to deficiencies in the most basic vitamins and minerals that due to the western diet, you had no problems getting an adequate supply of when you were a kid. Stop crying like a little girl and be thankful for what you have.
in conclusion, what does any of this have to do with the fact that cattle is being raised in this country being fed fecal matter amongst many other things? It doesn't, you're just flubbering as usual.