Not sexual but I`ll throw this story in here...
At the beach, my bro and I were in a diner type place for breakfast minding our own business after a night of crazy drinking. You know those multiple nights at the beach where you drink every night and are just zombies the next morning at breakfast...
These 2 girls at the next table say, "Hey guys, We`re not with them" and they point to the 2 guys they`re sitting with at the table. lol
"OK that`s good" we say. Seriously we just want to barely eat breakfast without puking at this point. I mean they`re with guys, we just were`nt gonna start any verbals.
So realising we were`nt doing anything, they said again "they`re our cousins"
OK ... They were wearing Playboy stockings high heels, big hair (this was late 80`s) they looked very fake and slutty. Definately just got in from the night before.
"We`re roomates, do you wanna hang out?" Call us and we`ll party." So, now we`re only human,So we say "Sure give us your number". We did`nt even talk to them the whole time at breakfast. Then everybody went their seperate ways.
The whole summer pretty much goes by and we`re at the beach again one day, we call the girls from a payphone on the board walk. "Hello, BATH HOUSE" someone answers. lol They gave us a phone number to the beach Bath house. lol I called again and the dude says, "Bro you got pranked man" lol Some girly gave you the wrong number dude" lol (because I was asking for the two girl`s names.)
That`s the story IMO It`s not really funny because it was such a lame way to go about doing it. They went overboard to talk to us just to make the prank work. THEY approached US. We waited 2 months to call, it was just stupid.