Good job man, you should be getting the form down now so you will see the weights jump up. You should also experiment with sumo deads(I assume you were talking about conventional). I know yesterday I tried 525 conventional and couldnt get it off the floor, sumo I got stuck on my knee cause I came up wrong(some people can do more conventional, depends on your body structure)...but it was an off day anyway(I was going to try to power clean 315 and on my last warmup of 275 I couldnt even high pull it). A couple tips that might help you are dont use straps until your grip is failing(I see guys using them for 185 sometimes), and dont use a belt unless your doing under 3 repetitions(you dont want to become dependant on it). Also dont worry about how much weight your doing, that will come with time, this is one of those exercises that if you try to look like he-man in the gym you'll end up hurting yourself pretty badly. Keep up the good work.